Chapter 2: Reunion

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"That's how you recruited Karena LesProux otherwise known as Lupo. It seems that you and she have a long history together." The silhouette said.

"A very long history indeed. I can bore you with that. But I know that's not what you want."

"You have kids with her, twins. Do you love her? Or that's just another part of the job?"

"Why do you care? Maybe I am. Maybe I'm not. It doesn't really matter."

"Is that so?"

"... But I do really love the kids. It's mine after all."

The voice hums, "After that. What's next ?"

"We came to get our Demolition expert."

"Hector Hivers."

"Hector Hivers, code name BELTWAY."

"You manage to recruit him. How? He has a record that knows as someone who doesn't follow orders. Why he follow you?"

I chuckled, "Hector is one stubborn man. But once you know how to handle it. Getting his loyalty is a piece of cake."

"And how did you know that?"

"Long story short. We had some history back in the army."

"Whats make him bite?"

"Excitement and money mostly."

"What's making him loyal to you?"

"It gets a lot of trouble for him to get his excitement. Because that always ends up blowing someone to ashes. I save his ass a couple of times. He owes me." I smirked. "He owes me a lot"




29th July 1998

Sturgis, South Dakota

U.S.S. Delta Team

Cpt. (Y/n) "Ghost" (L/n)

Right now the three of us were standing in front of a bar. Vector cross his arms and sigh.

"Can someone tell me why we're here again?" He asked.

"To get a drink," I reply.

"And why do we need to get a drink?"

"Don't you ever have fun, Vector?" Karina smirked.

"Mind if one of you guards the back door for me?" I looked at Vector.

Vector turns to me and Karena before he let out a sigh, "Roger that, Sir."

"And Vector, make sure that no one gets inside, okay" I smirked.

"What's that even supposed to mean?" He mutters before he moves to the back of the bar.

"What do you think Hector is doing right now?" Karena asked.

"Probably the usual. Let's go inside." She nods and we both got inside.

As soon as we open the door we welcomed by a flying beer that flew across our faces. Everyone in the bar is currently having a fight and in the middle of it all, we see Hector standing on top of a table while drinking and singing a song.

"That's our guy..." Karena sigh.

"Yeah..." I whistle loud enough to gain Hector's attention. "Hey, Hector! I think you're going to drop something!"

"Yeah! What is that?!" Hector turn his attention to me. When he finally sees us he smirked.

"Your face!" I crack my knuckles.

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