Prologue: The Game is On

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I open my eyes and I find myself in some kind of room. The room is empty. In front of me, there is a big white window, I can't see what behind that glass. I feel such a great amount of pain in my head. I try to move only to find myself tied into a chair. It took me a moment to finally realize where I am. I'm in the interrogation room. Damn! What the hell happened?! How did I end up like this?! Suddenly, I can see behind this white window standing a silhouette of a man. And then I hear a voice.

"(Y/n) (L/n) is that your name?" A very deep voice of a man calls my name. I can only assume it was from the guy behind the window.


"Captain (Y/n) (L/n). The U.S.S. Delta Team squad leader. That was you, wasn't it?" The voice asked.

"Really? I thought that was your mom."

Without a warning, I feel a jolt of electricity run through my body shocking me. The pain is so strong that I feel like everything starts fading away.

"Arrrghhh!!!" I shriek in pain. It took a minute before it stops. I was panting from the pain. "argh..." I was an inch from my death door.

"(Y/n), if you want to survive, I need you to cooperate with us."

"What the hell did you want?!"

"We want to know about you, (Y/n). About Operation Racoon City."

"Yeah? Who wants to know? And Why?"

"You don't get to ask the question here."

"What makes you think I talk?"

"Because you don't have a choice."

They shock me again, delivering a great amount of pain through my body. "Arggh!!!" I can only scream trying to endure the pain. But it was too much for me to bear.

"Either you talk, or you die."

I was ready to take the second option until suddenly a flash of a girl's face appears in my mind. I see her smiling at me. "(Y/n), make sure you get home okay. I'll be waiting." she spoke.

From that moment I knew that I can't die today. She's waiting for me and I need to find a way out of here. Whatever it takes!

"All right! Stop! I talk!"

They turn off the electricity and start asking me some questions. "Good. Now, (Y/n). We want to know about what happened in Raccoon City. About you and the U.S.S. Delta Team."

"You want to know about that? Fine... But before we go there. We need to go back to the start."

"The start?"

"Yes, the Spencer Mansion incident."

"Spencer Mansion? That time you're still with the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. Why start there?"

"Because... It was the beginning of everything."




24th July 1998

Arklay Mountains

S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team

Lt. (Y/n) (L/n)

The sound of the chopper propellers fills up the silence as we're on our way to the Arklay Mountains northwest of Racoon City, in search of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team who mysteriously disappeared. Our mission is to find them. A simple search and rescue mission they said. But of course, it was never that simple...

"I have a bad feeling about this," Barry said concern.

Barry's word make everyone looks down. No word is spoken. Only silence. Even Captain Wesker did not say anything. Of course, everyone is having a bad feeling about this. STARS Bravo team was among the best in Racoon City. Losing contact with them can only mean one thing, that something really bad is happening. Some of them are our friends, we know them personally and knew how good they are. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

Bad Hero (Resident Evil x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now