Chapter 7: How About a Drink?

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I remember the first time I met him. It was two years ago. Captain Wesker was recruiting people from the military to join a new law enforcement unit on Raccoon City. The Special Tactics and Rescue Service, STARS for short. The purpose of this unit is to rely on military veterans and weapons trained scientists to solve serious crimes. Captain Wesker said that he was interested in my ability, he said that he needs someone like me in the team. Due to my strong commitment to justice, without any hesitation, I said yes. And thus the next day a chopper came by to pick me up. Destination? Raccoon City. I board the chopper and sit down. I was wondering why they didn't immediately take off.

"Are we waiting for someone else?" I asked the pilot.

He nods, "Yes one more person and we ready to go."

Another person? Wesker didn't tell me about this. Well, I don't mind waiting. I was wondering who this other person was when suddenly the chopper door open and someone came in. He was wearing an officer's uniform. He looks like someone in his middle twenty. I was about to salute him when he raises his hand.

"Stop. You don't need to." He casually said before taking a seat.

The chopper propeller starts spinning. It was time to get out from here.

I look at that man. He's looking through the window. It looks like there was something on his mind. I take a closer look at him and I found out that he was a First Lieutenant from his uniform. I wonder if he is going to join the STARS? But why would an officer do that? I mean, if he's a First Lieutenant now, it's only a matter of time before he rises through the rank. If he didn't do anything wrong his future was secure with the army. So why? Why did he want to throw it all away only to join some new law enforcement unit?

When I was deep in thought wondering why. That man turns to me and asks, "You're Jill aren't you?"

"Oh! Yes, Sir. I am." I answer him stiffly. I mean, he's an officer and it's only natural for me to address him that way.

He let out a small smile, "Drop the Sir out. Just call me, (Y/n)."

"Well... if you say so... (Y/n)," I said awkwardly. Still not comfortable with the fact that he wants me to call him by his name. "So, how did you know that?" I continue.

"I heard a lot about you. One of the few women with Delta Force training. You're quite famous you know."

"Oh... I didn't know that. I take that as a compliment. Thank you."

"You here for the STARS?" He asked.

I nod, "Are you?" I wonder if he's here for the same reason.

"Yes. I guess we're going to see each other a lot after this." He said before extending his hand and introduce himself, "I'm (Y/n) (L/n). You can call me (Y/n). Nice to meet you, Jill."

I take his hand and shake it, "I'm Jill. Jill Valentine. Nice to mee you too, (Y/n)."

And that's how I met him. The love of my life. But of course, during that time I didn't know that I'm going to fall for that guy. Hell, I didn't even imagine dating him. Are you expecting something more during our first encounter? Maybe there is more than that. Well sorry to give you the bad news. It just ends there.

After both of us introducing ourselves, the conversation stops. He turns to the window again and looks outside as if he was thinking about something. I didn't want to bother him so... yeah. The rest of the trip filled with silence. We then arrived at Raccoon City Police Department. Reporting to Captain Wesker, introducing ourselves to the rest of the team and we split up. (Y/n) was heading outside to look at his new apartment while I'm staying here and get to know the place that I'm working in better.

Bad Hero (Resident Evil x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora