Chapter 15: Flash

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"And that's how Operation Raccoon city comes to an end."

"Is that all?" The voice asked.

I silently nod because that's all the thing that they need to know.

"That explains about the Delta team and Raccoon City. How everything goes wrong that day. But it didn't explain about you, (Y/n). How did you manage to survive all of that? How did you manage to live? And most importantly, why did you do it?"

I look away. I didn't want to answer that question. I didn't want them to find out about her.

"Answer!" the voices demand.

"What do you care!? You already got what you want! It doesn't matter why I did what I did, right? It will never change the fact that I did it!"

"So you never thought of them as a friend? Those people in S.T.A.R.S. they just another pawn to your mission?"

That question hit me really hard. It makes me remember my time with them and the guilt that I feel.

I look down and mutter, "I'm sorry..."

As I keep looking down and feel sorry for myself. The electricity starts striking my body again. I scream in pain. They keep electrocuting me and it didn't stop. I can't endure the pain as my consciousness drifts off. A flash of her smile coming back at me. And that's the last thing that I see before everything fades out.




I once read a book about the end of life. And there is this theory about how to know that your life will end or not. It said when your reach the end of your life. At that last minute of it, the flash of all you've been through will start coming back to you. The flash of life. The journey that made you who you are. All those memories will just hit you all at once. I didn't really know whether it's true or not. But at that moment, when I lose my consciousness. Everything started coming back to me. And I know at that moment, I reach my end.

The first thing that I saw is a little me, playing with my family. We used to be a very happy family. Until that day... You see, I was born in (L/n) household as the middle son of the family. I have one big brother and one little sister. My family is one of the rich and well-respected families in society. From when we were born, our parents would teach us about manners and how we should act as the member of this household. We're not a part of some royal family or anything. My father used to tell me a bedtime story about our ancestors. The first generation of our lineage is a hunter, they start from there, and as the world change so are they. I didn't really remember the detail, but at some point, my great-great-grandfather turns into a businessman and start their investment everywhere. With a share of good luck, now my family owns a lot of market stock at many big companies around the world. With the money they have, they also start a company, and that's how they got where they are right now.

So yeah, since I was a little boy we already have everything that we wish for. We never have to think about money and just enjoy life. And I thought this is would last forever, how naive I was.

My brother, as the one who would heir the company would spend most of his time studying and training with my father. He excels in almost everything. One day when my father took us hunting, man you should see how my brother shoots those poor animals. He just can't seem to miss any of those shoots. My father takes big pride in my brother, seeing he would do just fine continuing the legacy that this family makes and knowing that it would fall into the right hand. Meanwhile, my sister as the only daughter of the family taught all sorts of manners about how to be a lady. I don't really understand what the maids teach her, but when she makes a mistake they schooled her over and over again. I guess whatever it is, it required perfection? But sometimes she would purposely make a mistake so that it would anyone the maids. My brother is the more serious and strict type while my sister is the one who likes to fool around.

Bad Hero (Resident Evil x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin