Chapter 3: Cat and Mouse

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30th July 1998

U.S.S. Headquarters

U.S.S. Delta Team

Cpt. (Y/n) "Ghost" (L/n)

All of the team were standing by waiting for our next mission which is to recruit our field scientist.

"Who do you have in mind, Sir?" Vector look at me.

"I know someone..."

"Let's get into it then! I hate waiting like this!" Hector said while standing up from his chair.

"It's not that easy..." I said in hesitation.

"What's the problem. Is he not good enough?" Vector crosses his arms.

"He is a she. And no. That's not the problem. She's really good at what she does. One of the best in fact. But I need to let you know that she's acting a little different from most people. And if we do this, whatever she does, You guys can't kill her! No matter how annoyed she got you! Is that clear?"

"Wait a sec! Is that?" Karena said in protests.

I nod.

"Oh great!" Karena raised both of her arms before letting out a sigh.

"Ouch... so it's her, eh?" Hector back down to his seat.

Vector looks at Vlad who just shakes his head. They didn't have a clue of who we're talking about. He then looks at Hector, "Why is she so upset?"

"Well... we're going to get her rival." Hector chuckled.

"She's not my rival, Hec. Don't you even dare to compare us!" She threat him.

Hector raised both of his hands in surrender.

"Vlad, I want you to search for someone. Her name is Christine Yamata. The last known location is around Japan." I order him.

"Give me a sec." Vlad then moves to his computer to do his thing.

Vector move beside Hector then starts whispering to each other, "So... our Captain is a lady killer back in the day, eh?"

"You don't even know half of it."

They then start gossiping about my past that involves girls in it.

I coughed to get their attention, "You know that I can hear you, right?"

"Sorry, Boss." Hector apologies.

"Never going to happen again, Sir." Vector also apologized.

I sigh, "Vector, don't believe all the thing that Hector told you alright."

"Copy that."

"I'm not a lady killer, Vector," I state.

Karena moves from her seat and walks closer to me. She put her left hand in my chest and whisper, "Of course your not, Hon." She kisses my cheek before walking away swaying her hips. "If you guys need me. I will be upstairs."

I blushed after she kisses me. It was noticed by those two and they start to whispering again.

"See! What did I just tell you." Hector said.

Vector nods in agreement making me go into a facepalm.

Not long after that Vlad speaks, "Captain, I found something..."

I stand up from my seat and walk to Vlad, "Good. Where is she?"


I nod then turn my attention to the rest of the crew, "You hear that boys. Were going to Japan!"

Bad Hero (Resident Evil x Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum