Chapter 2/Perhaps we should explain Skin-walker from chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"Hands off me" I said struggling "and you can keep your paws off my fallopian tubes too."

The first one looked around. "Let's handcuff her to the lamppost over there." He said nodding in its direction.

"Not that one! That's my favourite." The other said.

The other one looked away. Both werewolves were still largely in human form. If you regard being about 7 foot with fingernails like claws as being human form. The badge of the first werewolf said "Officer Rover'. Rover slumped his shoulders in pain.

"I knew it. I thought I could smell you on that lamppost, Fenton. You know we're are not supposed to mark our territory." Officer Rover said.

Officer Fenton still held on to me with his vice-like grip. He looked bemused which is funny his face looked like it had been sucked into a long funnel and left like that.

"How long have we been working as partners?" Officer Fenton said offended.

Officer Rover looks strangely confused. Which for some reason kind of look like his default look.

"I don't know three , four years why?" Rover said.

Officer Fenton shrivels his face like he had drunk a glass of battery acid by mistake. As expressions go he could own it.

"So you've known me for three or four years and you're still uncertain about what I smell like?" Fenton said. "Whereas I know exactly what you smell like."

Officer Rover let go of my arm and put his hands on his hips. "Really well what **DO** I smell like ?" He said 'DO' like it was audible punctuation.

Rover who still had hold of me tightly.

"Sandalwood" Fenton said.

"Sandalwood" I added looking at Officer Rover with a delivery so dry it would make Billie Eilish proud of me.

"You think I smell of sandalwood?" Rover said. Again Rover was using his 'I' like if he was writing it would come out in 96 point on a page on its own. "You think I smell, I smell of Sandalwood?"

I crossed my arms and nodded with Fenton.

"Absolutely. Base notes of Sandalwood." I said trying to stand beside Rover.

"I noticed it the first day we met." Officer Fenton said looking seriously at Rover "Now you do me."

Officer Rover looked like someone had asked him to find the square root of 96,572 in his head. "Well, not base notes of Sandalwood I can tell you that."

I looked at Fenton. "Roses." I said. I was guessing.

Fenton tilted his head to the side.

Officer Rover tilted his head fully back like he was praying to Luna the moon godess. He rolled his eyes in time with his movements. "Don't listen to her she has the nose of a colour blind taxidermist after a week in a tanning factory." He said pointing at me.

Fenton stepped forward and let go of me.

"But if she can get it. You can." Fenton said squaring up to Rover.

I was well gone by this point I was running down the street and around the corner.

Rover let out a long anguished sigh. "Not again. Fetch." He said pointing at my dust trail.

Fenton squeezed his eyes, in seconds hair was growing on this face. "We will finish this later." He said.

I was successfully running down a back alley. Thinking I was lucky to get out of that one. Within seconds a ball of fur and dust leapt down the back ally after me. Fenton was running on all fours in his wolf form. I was running as quickly as I could but in seconds Fenton grabbed my leg. I was pulled to the ground. "Fenton!" A shout came in the distance "Fenton!" The call came again.

Quickly Officer Rover landed ahead of me in the alleyway.

"What you don't know is Mr smelling of Roses here is part greyhound." Rover said. I rolled in the grit and the dust as I struggled to try to shake Fenton off my leg.

"Hold still" Officer Fenton said, being in wolf form and with his face full of my ankle it came out as "Nold nil."

"Resisting arrest. Now I have to be the big bad guy." Officer Rover said walking over as he had touched down. "This means time jail for you."

I was brutally arrested. I walked out my arms twisted and handcuffed painfully behind my back.

Within 10 minutes I was on crime net. The net in question hung beneath the policemen flying through the air above the near ruins of my town. As we took off I looked back and saw Joe standing outside the back door of Starbucks with a large axe. From what I could see he was waiting for Mikey to take the coffee grounds out. When Mikey did he would be clubbed to death like a small Canadian seal. It's always the quiet ones you have to watch. Behind Jim, Alexa was creeping up with a sharpened plastic butter knife raise ready to strike after Jim had taken care of Mikey. I should have felt sorry for one of them but you see pity isn't my thing.

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