Comforting Her

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Third person's POV :

It was pitched dark in the room after the lights went off before few minutes as a storm started to rage outside. The only light was coming from time to time from the moon and the lightnings through the windows. It was like the nature was in sync with the mood in the room. The only sounds that could be heard in this night were the roaming of the Rain drops which were landing on the roof and the windows, the loud roars of the thunders which weren't helping anyway, the ticking of the cloak that was giving you the feeling that time is slowing down every second, and the choked sobs of the blond celestial mage.

She was standing in front of the duo in the middle of the room. Her body was illuminating from time to time from the lightnings and that made her skin shine. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she was desperately trying to wipe them away. Her silk long blond hair hanging loosely on her shoulders and it was shielding a little her face. Her fragile body was shaking and it was about to collaps on the floor.

Lucy :"*Sniff* S-sorry. *Sniff**Sniff* Just everything.. *Sniff* came to me more and.. *Sniff**Sniff* I couldn't hold back the tears. *Sniff* Sorry. *Sniff*" She said to the duo in front of her who was with slightly opened mouths and concern and pity in their eyes.

Natsu's body was stiff. He didn't move a muscle since she started her story and he didn't know that he was holding his breath even now and then. He just couldn't move.

Then a bright lightning follwed with a loud thunder echoed in the night and that made Lucy jump a little from the terrifying sound. That was the thing that made him snap out. His body move on it's own and he ran to Lucy. He couldn't bear anymore when somebody is crying or scared not the both. Without thinking he gently wrapped his arms around her tiny body and he embraced her tightly as he placed one of his hands on her back and with his other hand he started to cares her hair.

Lucy was taken a little aback from the sudden embrace and she look up with her teary eyes.

Natsu:"It's okay. These people-no.. nobody will lay a hand on you while I'm still breathing. I won't give them that opportunity." Natsu said and he backed a little to look in her eyes and he wiped her tears away. "Don't say sorry to us. You haven't gone anything and it's okay when you are crying. Look out of the window Luce." He said to her and they looked out of the window in the dark clouds that were pouring rain. " The rain is falling because the clouds can't handle their weight any longer. Just like the tears fall because our hearts can't handle the pain. "He looked again with small smile at Lucy who was tearing again." Be strong. Because things will get better. It maybe story now but it never rains forever. I will stay with you and I will make your life as happy as before little by little. You are not alone anymore."

With the last words Lucy started to cry again in his chest and she clenched her tiny hands on his shirt and Natsu embraced her tightly again. Her legs gave in and she fell on her knees along with Natsu as he continue caressing her hair and whispering soothing words in her ears.

Happy was watching the duo until he decided to to leave them alone for now.

Lucy cried and cried until she cried herself to sleep. As her grip on Natsu's shirt loosened he looked at her sleeping face. He didn't want to wake her up but then he remembered that she could fade away if she didn't go to her music so he carrefully picked her up so he won't wake her up and he carried her in her room near her music box which was on the night stand near her bed.(I forgot a little about this part😅) the moment he placed her near the box she started to shine and the next moment she was again the balerina of the box. Natsu smiled at her and he layed his head near her music box.

Natsu :"Good night, Luce." He said in a soft tone before he closed his eyes and he fell asleep as well.

Time skip:
The next day in the morning.

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