The Old House And The Balerina

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A/N The song is the melody of the music box.

No one's P. O. V.

The abandoned house out of the civilization, hidden deep into the forest shadows could be passed without even been noticed it. The house looked really small even if it has two floors and all the walls were wrapped by Ivy. The wood of the porch and the walls was rotten and it was creaking of every little step.  The windows were dirty and some of them were even broken. On one of the porch beams bird has made a nest.Around the town there was spread rumor that the house was haunted. Nobody has daered to enter the house.

Now Natsu was standind on the door step, infront of the peeled front door of the house. He didn't believe in gousts so he reached out his hand. He hesitant for a second not sure if the house will fall on his head but eventually put his hand on the handel and push it. For his relieve the building was still standing. He peeked throught the crack of the door before he fully enter. The wood flood creaked  really loud under his feet.

'I hope that I won't fall throught the flour' he thought.

He looked around. Now he was in the living room. The room was really spacious. Too spacious for such a small house. Like he was teleported in another house. There was a fireplace on the left with big red sofa infront of it. Near every window were placed book shelves, which were now empty, and cupboards with beautyful carvings. On the right were the door to the kitchen and the stairs with few more cupboards like the others but little bigger. In thecenter of the room was placed big table with many seats. In the past probably the family had had a lot of guests.on the whole floor of the room there was a big red carpet which was torn on the edges. The ceiling was painted with little fairies that were flying trought the clouds and were ready to pop out of the ceiling. The walls were covered with wallpers with very fine ornaments. On few places on the wallpers there were more light spots in the shape of rectangels. Most likely the were the places of paintings. Natsu explored the other rooms on this floor and the had the same motives. All of the furnitures were covered with dust and spider webs.

'The family who was living here was probably rich to have such expencive furnitures like this.' he made a note to himself.

Suddenly a cold wind blow his back and he shivered. He turn around to see from where was coming the cold wind. When he turn around was facing the stairs and conclude that wind was coming from the upstairs. This cold breeze wasn't normal. He could feel little magic in it. Even if it was so small. The pink haired boy gulped when he saw the coundition of the steps. They can break any second now. He should go up to find the source of the magic. He took deep breath and slowly started to walk upstairs.

When he finally manage to get on the second floor he saw that it was with almost the same motives like the first floor. He tour and check the rooms but he couldn't find anything. When was about to get down he felt the same breeze. Natsu turn around and see really long hallway which wasn't there before and it looked too long for such a small house like this one.

'This is really odd. Somebody has enchanted this building. This is territorial magic. The house is moving and hiding  rooms. No wonder why the people thing that the house is haunted.' Natsu thought.

He started to walk down the dark, with spider webs and dust hall when he saw the white door with music notes and flowers painted on it, on the end of the hallway. This was the room from where the magic energy was coming. Curiosity was filling him and he started to go straight to the door, determined to find the source of the magic. With every step he felt more and more strange and anxious. Like something big will happen. Something that will change his boring live forever. The door was getting further and further, like the hall was getting longer. Maybe it was. It is quite possible with this tipe of an enchantment. Fanilly after it felt like an eternity he reached the door. As he put his hand on the handle his heart was beating so fast that it will pop out of his chest. He opened the door and entered.

My little balerina ~Nalu~(On Small Hold) Where stories live. Discover now