"Mum three calls on my first day is a little over doing it don't you think?" She asked her mother over the phone " oh no, no pen, I didn't actually forget a pen!?" She mumbled to herself before hanging up.

Well at least I wasn't the only new girl.

I walked casually over to her and sat down beside the brunette as I smiled.

"Hey I'm Carmen ray, this is my first day" I extended my hand.

"You rhyme!" She giggled "I'm Alison Argent, also my first day"

We shook hands and smiled at each other.

I dark skinned man who I assumed was the deputy principal walked over to us.

"Hello girls, who I'm ashuming are our new students?" He asked smiling broadly.

"Yep" we both said.

"Well then please follow me" he said as he walked in to the school and we followed after.

Allison and I made small talk then we noticed the man had stopped infront of a class room and was pushing the door open.

"Hello everybody, these are our new students Allison argent, and Carmen ray, please make them feel welcome"

I looked around the room, and immediately noticed a brown shaggy haired boy and another boy with a buzz cut the ones from my dream.
How is that possible? I thought.
It isn't possible! I was to busy having an argument with myself that I hasn't even noticed that Allison was already seated and I was just standing akwardly at the front with everyone staring at me.

I say down behind buzz cut haired guy a and Allison say behind the curly haired boy.

The puppy dog eyes boy leaned over to Allison and handed her a pen. She looked confused at how he knew she needed a pen but took it anyway before looking at me, I just shrugged.

Looks like Allison already has someone crushing on her, lucky girl.

"As you all know their was indeed a body found in the woods last night, but before you're imaginations wonder the police have a suspect in custody, so you can tune you're undecided attention to the paper that is outlining this semester." The teacher droned out completely forgetting about his new students who where obviously clueless.

While the teacher was talking I noticed buzz cut guy look at curly haired boy with a knowing look. What did they know?

I was still freaking out to the fact that the guys from my dream where real dudes.
Now your going insane.

That obnoxious voice sneered.
Seriously insane...
And this time it was totally right.

This will be a long class...


The bell chimed, finally!

I along with the whole class got up and walked out the door.

Allison was waiting for me when I stepped outside, she must have got out before me.

"Hey girlie" she said smiling at me.

"Hey girlie" I answered her back.

We walked over to her locker which reminded me I needed to find mine and she unlocked it.

A girl with strawberry blonde hair walked over to us, her heels clinking as she did so.

"That jacket is absolutely killer, and I love those pumps" she said to Allison and then said to me.

Because a hey or hi are so overrated.

This girl was absolutely gorgeous, I felt somewhat intimidated by her.

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