Tula nodded along with James. Siruis, however, stood off to the side, looking out the tower window with a smirk.


He glanced up at the group who was staring at him expectantly. "Actually, I think we should wait for a bit." He reasoned mischievously.

Tula furrowed her eye brows, "Why?"

He shrugged and looked back at the window, his smirk growing. A bad feeling washed over James, he marched forward and took Siruis by the shoulders.

"Pads, what did you do?"


"Tell me the truth, Siruis! What did you do!?"

"He was sticking his nose where it didn't belong! He's gonna get what's coming for him."

"The hell are you talking about Padfoot?" Tula snapped.

"Snivellus. He was the one who so desperately wanted to know what happend every full moon. I simply gave him a hint."

James paled. "You didn't."

"I did."

"You idiot! Remus is going to kill him, Siruis! He'll never forgive himself!" Tula screeched as James bolted out of the door to stop Severus, moving as fast as his legs could carry him.

Siruis stumbled back at the sudden volume change. The GGG glanced up from where they were sitting in the common room doing their homework. One of them shushed Tula, which was mistake of their behalf as she growled at them.

"What's wrong with you, Siruis!? This is too far! If James doesn't stop him-"

"Oh relax," Siruis said dismissively, "He'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen?"

"HE DIES. HE WILL DIE, SIRUIS." Tula ran out of the common room, tracing James' footsteps. Peter glared at Siruis for upsetting his best friend, not hesitating to follow her.

The whole common room stared at the final Marauder, wondering who was gonna die, and what prank could ever be that dangerous enough to make Siruis' friends turn on him.


"Oh back off Ms Perfect!" He spat, glaring at Lily Evans.


James got outside just as Severus ducked underneath the base of the whomping willow, James cursed as he tripped over a rock and quickly pushed himself back up.

He managed to grab Severus by the collar and pull him back, but not before the Slytherin managed to catch sight of Remus, halfway into his werewolf form.

Professor Mcgonagall was waiting for them outside the Willow, more than likely she had seen James running like a madman through the halls. Over her shoulder James saw Peter and Tula, both wearing desperate and worried expressions. He gave them a reassuring nod, allowing them to sigh in relief.

Mcgonagall turned to see who James was looking at, only to see what looked like a hamster riding a fox run away.


Siruis sat with his head in his hands in the boys dorm.

What the hell was he thinking?

What on earth possessed him to that?

Remus would never of forgiven himself if he hurt Snape. And if Snape knew, you could guarentee the whole school would in less that twenty four hours.

He groaned and rubbed his temples. His friends were never gonna forgive him.

He screwed up. He screwed up big time.

It was at least midnight before anyone came up. Tula poked her head through the crack on the door and did a quick sweep of the room before her gaze landed on Siruis.

She pushed the door open fully making Siruis jump.

"Transform into your animagus form. Your crashing with me tonight." She said softly, her tone surprised Siruis. Tula had sounded so pissed earlier.

"Why?" He asked in confusion.

She hesitated before answering.

"Because the boys are very, very, pissed with you, Padfoot."


"I can't believe he did that..." Remus mumbled, staring off into the distance. It was just turning six am, Peter and James sat on the bed beside his, nursing their bruised skin.

"What about Snape? Did I hurt him? How many people has he told-"

"Nobody." James reassured quickly, "Dumbledore's sworn him to secrecy. Don't worry Moony, he won't be telling anybody unless he wants to be expelled.''

Remus nodded slowly and glanced around, he furrowed his brows and looked over at Peter. "Where's V?"

"Well... last night, we weren't very happy with Siruis... and neither was Vixen... but then we got in argument with her when she suddenly changed her mind..."

Remus shot up straight in his bed and looked back and forth between his friends. "What?"

"I know, right?" James began with an annoyed expression. "She suddenly thought it was okay that Siruis nearly murdered Snivellus, said anybody could make that mistake. I mean, Siruis isn't stupid, he obviously knew what he was doing, right?"

He didn't let anybody speak as he continued with his rant. "She kept saying 'Well at the time is probaly seemed like a good idea' and 'He only wanted to help'-"

"Well." Remus cut across in a careful tone, "Maybe she knows something we don't? But that doesn't explain why she's not here."

"She let Siruis sleep in her dorm last night because we were so mad at him. When we got Dorcas to check if she wanted to come see you, Dorcas said she was sound asleep on the floor. Which is weird because she's got five king sized beds to herself."

James looked at him, "How do you know?"

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