I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My cheek was bright red, with a slight gash probably from a ring Paige was wearing. Obviously Alison will notice and knowing her she’ll go all ape shit on Paige. Ugh, Paige. I can’t even think about her without wanting to throw up. What she did to me was uncalled for. I’m honestly so ashamed for her, what possessed her to slap me? I was in the middle of apologizing for fuck’s sake.

I walked out of the bathroom and went to the nurse, to sort out that cut on my cheek. The nurse cleaned the wound and put a plaster on it. I sighed and headed to our usual lunch table. Alison smiled at me but that smile quickly faded when she noticed the plaster on my cheek.

She shot up from her seat and rushed over to me. “Emily. What happened?” She started inspecting my cheek. “Paige did this, didn’t she?” Alison said softly, I could tell she was trying to hide the anger in her voice. I nodded slowly and broke down in tears. Alison pulled me close. “Shh, Em. It’s alright. I’m here, we’re all here for you.”

I felt more arms wrap around me and I continued to sob. “I-I was j-just trying to apologize and s-she slapped me…” I felt Alison tense up. “Ali, p-promise me you won’t d-do anything.”

“Doesn’t mean we won’t do anything.” Hanna growled.

I wiped away my tears. “Guys, I appreciate it. I really do but I said some horrible things to her… I guess I do deserve it.”

“That just shows how weak she is. You said things to hurt her but she took things to a physical level. Plus I bet she started it, there’s no way you would say things like that to anyone unless they did something first.” Spencer said.

“Yeah… She didn’t take things well…” I chewed on my lip, trying to hold back more tears. Alison must have noticed so she sat me down at our table and sat down next to me, with her arm around my waist protectively.

Alison’s phone beeped and she took it out of her bag. I glanced at her phone and read the text she got.

‘Paige took a swing and she hit the target. Can I try next? Kisses-A’

I gasped softly and noticed another A text above.

‘Emily and Alison getting naughty in the bathroom. I can leave a bigger mark on your neck, maybe one that kills you. Watch out. Kisses – A’

I looked at the time she got it. “Ali, A sent you a text during English?”

“What? Why didn’t you tell us?” Spencer asked.

“I was going to tell you all when Emily was back from talking to Paige. But yes, A sent me a text, threating to kill me and now A’s threating to kill Emily.” Everyone stayed silent, trying to acknowledge the fact that A is back from hiding and wants bloodshed.

Once again we’re hopeless victims, subject to A’s game of making our lives a living hell. “A won’t kill us. A knows that we’ll suffer more when we’re alive.” Spencer said, deep in thought.

“Doesn’t mean A wont attempt to kill us.” Aria said.

I sighed and rested my head on Alison’s shoulder. I felt someone glaring at us and I saw in the corner of my eyes, Hanna’s deathly stare. If looks could kill, Ali and I would have died ages ago. That’s it. I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable. “Hanna, can I talk to you? In private.” I stood up and grabbed her arm, not allowing her to give an answer.

I lead her to the bathroom and locked the door. “Hanna, what’s up with you? Everyone time I even mention Alison’s name, you get this cold look on your face. I understand if it’s because of how she used to treat you but maybe you could talk things through…”

Hanna sighed. “Emily, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve been having these feelings…”

“Talk to me, Hanna. You know I’m here for you.”

“No, you don’t understand… These feelings are uncontrollable. I-I… Oh, fuck it.” Hanna placed her lips onto mine and I froze. After a few seconds, I began to kiss back. Hanna pulled away. “Shit… No. I’m sorry I-“ She ran out of the bathroom before I could say anything.

What have I done? I’m so stupid. I mentally slapped myself and slid down the bathroom wall. I curled up and let the tears fall. I lost Paige, I lost Hanna and now I’m probably going to lose Alison too. How can things go so wrong all in one day? Why wasn’t I the one to pull away? I have a girlfriend and I just kissed my best friend.

“Emily? Are you okay?” No, I’m not ready. I looked up slowly and saw Aria standing in front of me. “What happened to Hanna? I saw her run out the bathroom.”

“Aria… I did something.” She looked at me confused. “H-Hanna kissed me…” I sniffed. “And I may have k-kissed back.” Aria stayed quiet with a blank expression. “Aria, please say something…”

Aria snapped back into reality. “I don’t know what to say, Em… Alison would flip out… if she found out.”

“I know. Please don’t tell her. I’ll do it, myself… but not now. I’m not ready.”

“I won’t tell her but that doesn’t stop A from doing it.”

“What makes you think A knows?”

“A knows everything, Em. Secrets is what A lives on and it’s just another chance to make you miserable.” I sighed, knowing she was right. I decided I’ll tell her tonight. Aria offered her hand, I grabbed it and stood up.

“I think I’ve lost Hanna…”

“You haven’t lost her, Emily. Just give her some space to figure things out and hopefully she’ll come back.”  I nodded and dried my tears. Aria and I walked out of the bathroom and back to our lunch table.

“What took you so long and where’s Hanna?” Alison asked.

“I’ll tell you later…”

“Alright… Class is starting soon so I should go. I’ll see you later, Em.” She gave me a sweet kiss and headed to her class. I sighed, feeling guilty and walked to my classroom. I was dreading the conversation I’m going to have to have with Alison later, but it has to be done.


Oh god. Talk about drama. Paige, A, Hanna and Emison problems. Even I’m tense for the next chapter, don’t worry I’ll update soon. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for all the votes I really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading.

Love ya.

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