"No", the woman agrees blatantly "You're a disease." Watching the metal saucer grow closer to his lips, the woman adds "And this is the cure." Watching her place the blade to Miller's throat as he desperately moves his head away I shove against the men restraining me as anxiety builds in my stomach "You're blood or the blood of Sanctum." I catch Miller spare a glance towards me before he looks to Bellamy for what to do. Reluctantly, I watch Bellamy give him a small nod not looking at all happy with this. Biting his tongue Miller reluctantly take a drink from the saucer looking absolutely livid when it's taken away.

When the woman approaches me I feel nothing but anger towards her as the men hold me still from tearing her head off. Kneeling before me unfazed by my glare, the woman peels the gag from my mouth "You're blood or the blood of Sanctum." Swallowing hard at the metallic smell burning my nose, I don't look at Bellamy even when I feel his gaze burning a hole into the side of my head. Instead, I'm eyeballing the woman with a challenging stare. As if to encourage my answer the woman raises her knife to my throat. Flinching under the cold blade I internally cringe feeling Layla's warm blood staining my skin.

Suddenly the doors bang open behind us beating me to my answer. Lowering the knife the saucer is moved away and the woman's gaze grows wide when she's risen to her feet. Behind me, I hear hushed whispers of 'blesses is Daniel' and 'blessed is Kaylee' which only further confuses me. Peering as best I can around the two men who have a hold of me, I feel my eyes widen at the sight of Murphy and Emori. Dressed rather dazzlingly in his suit I raise my eyebrow at Murphy's dramatic appearance when he directs "What... is the meaning... of this?" As he nears I notice the mark which looks similar to Emori's on the side of his face, a decorative jewel of the sort in the center of his forehead as he stares placidly towards the woman in white. Beside him stands Emori dressed in a flowing royal blue dress, a gold cape flowing from her shoulders and down her back to the floor. Honestly, she looked beautiful and regal- far from the Emori I've known.

Bowing the woman in white proclaims "Blessed is Daniel. Blessed is Kaylee. Blessed are the Primes."

Primes? When it suddenly clicks I feel my entire being deflate, my throat growing thicker by the second with tears. This isn't Murphy and Emori. This is Daniel and Kaylee; the Primes with their Mind Drive. Whilst we'd been gone something must've occurred to make them nightbloods. To be hosts for the Mind Drive. Murphy the idiot didn't even recall that he'd have their minds killed to make room for the new hosts. As this thought flickers through my head making my eyebrows furrow, Kaylee orders her and her followers "Rise and explain yourself."

As they part to walk around us I catch Daniels's gaze when he walks my way. Furrowing his brows Daniel moves to the men holding me and quietly orders in an assertive tone "Release your hold on her. Now." Their grasp remains on me for a moment longer before their hands snap away and I'm free to roll my shoulder's once more. At this gesture I can't help but skeptically arch my brow. It's only when he sends me a wink that I internally find myself laughing any semblance of sadness draining away.

Frickin roaches.

Keeping the emotion from my expression, I glance back to the woman in white as she tells them "We are purifying Sanctum, your holiness. As so ordered by Russell Prime. Hallowed be his name."

As it echoes through the room, Murphy growls at the front by Emori's side "Russell isn't here! He abandoned you!" Eerily calmer, Murphy adds "We did not."

"Adjustments are for our flock", Emori tells her tilting Bellamy's head towards Murphy. Seeing him send a subtle wink, Bellamy's features soften remarkably. He must've presumed the worst as I had. Catching his dark curious eye, give Bellamy a subtle nod from my side of the room. Indicating it's them. Not paying us any mind, Emori plays her part "Why are the Earth people here?" Whilst the woman in white looks around hesitantly, Emori grits out "You know what? Nevermind." Waving her hand, Emori lowly says "It's alright... but we shall decide what to do with them." Turning her gaze to Murphy, Emori states "Let's take them to the palace." When Murphy gives an impressive nod, Emori turns around and snaps her fingers ordering "Help them to their feet."

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