Start from the beginning

"Yes." She said as bit her lip.

I shifted back away from her. I was shocked. And I couldn't lie, I was hurt. Really hurt.

"I can't believe you. You went on a date yesterday while I was just yearning to see your face. I tried calling you yesterday night but you didn't pick up. Now I know why......you were with him." I chuckled bitterly. "Oh sweet and innocent Gabriella." I laughed with nastiness and rushed to her as my mouth devoured the upper skin of her neck near her jawline. I sucked harshly on her until the area became so red and I smirked against her skin.

I stared at her face. She was taken aback by my act.

I placed a gentle kissed on the mark. "I give you three choice." I nibbled on the skin. "One....I allow you to go on a date with him with this on you and the dress you wear will show it."

"What?" She barely spoke.

"I gave you a mark."

"You what?!" She freaked out. "I can't believe you gave me a hickey!"

"Don't call it a hickey, its a love bite..." I stopped talking as soon as I realized what I just said.

"Hickey. There is no love between us." She shot me a glare. "Please don't utter that word again with me."

"Believe me I won't. It was just a mistake." I rolled my eyes.

Is it?

"Then what did you want to say?" She asked with an arched brow.

"Nothing." I sat on a seat while I looked at her standing. My eyes were on the exposed area of her breasts until she noticed and covered her body with her shirt. "As I was saying....number two, you choose to go on a date with him but cover the hickey, I will be forced to lie not just to him, but the whole school including Andrea that I am your boyfriend. I'm sure you don't want that, right?......Or number three, you behave like the good girl I want you to be and not go out with him. You choose." I spoke in a business like tone.

"None! You can't tell me what to do. Who are you to tell me to choose? If I want to go on a date on him, I will." She spoke like a rebellious teenager who was arguing with her Dad.

"Fine! You leave me with no choice! I ban you from going on a date with him. As long as you are with me, you don't have the fucking damn right to date anyone! Do you understand me?!"

"You have no right to tell me that! I'm not in a relationship neither do I have a boyfriend, but here you are acting like one!"

"So what if I am?! I don't give a damn about it!" I stood up angrily. "You will go no were with him whether you like it or not!"

"I will! And you can't stop me! We aren't in a relationship. We are just friends! Freaking Fucking Friends! You definitely cannot classify this thing we share as something serious or important cuz' its not!"

"If it isn't important to you, well it is to me!" I confessed to her.

She was taken aback at first but shook it off. "Well I don't care! Cuz' I know what we feel for each other is nothing but lust. When you look at me, I know it's lust in your eyes. The same way it is for me. And yeah, I admit it! I did ignore you on purpose. In fact this early morning I blocked you on WhatsApp, on Snapchat, on Instagram, name all the social media platforms we use to communicate with one another. I blocked you on all. Your getting to close to me and I don't like it one bit!....I find it irritatingly disturbing. Your always calling me every hour of the day. Text messages upon text messages..... I'm tired of it! I know your doing it for just my body. It doesn't matter if its for it or not for it. I'm sick of your disturbance. I hate it! Another thing, yeah! Daniel and I have been going on dates....it's been a week since we started. You really think I'll just sit and wait for you to come? Your not serious. Don't you know your by the side? Your a toy I play with when I'm bored. Use....and dump. Till further notice. And by the way, I'm getting super tired of you. Your not exciting like how you were at the beginning. It's better if we end this. Daniel and I are getting serious. I don't want anything to ruin what Daniel and I have started building." She said as the words cut deep into me.

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