Chapter 76: Shadow of a Doubt

Start from the beginning

Peter brushed her hair, "I would have taken care of you. Just like this. And then maybe, just maybe, you would have been willing to date me."

"Willing to date you?" Wendy rotated, one hand on her stomach. "Well that's not a nice story. What do you mean spike my drink? I wouldn't have been drinking."

"Yes you would have, it's college. Everyone drinks."

"Well I wouldn't have."

"Okay, then the asshole mermaid spiked your tea."

"Thank you. And also, what do you mean, I would have been willing to date you? I'm not a snob, of course I would have dated you."

"Ha." Peter bopped her nose. "Sure you would have. Wendy Darling would have dated Peter Pan."

"Wendy Darling did date Peter Pan." Wendy waved the back of her hand, wedding ring exposed. "She married him."

"Yeah that long shot worked out great in my favor! I got super lucky."

Wendy propped on an elbow. "Peter why do you always think I wasn't interested in you? You know I had a crush."

"Well of course you had a crush." Peter flicked his hair. "Look at me, everyone had a crush! But here's the difference: I didn't have a crush on them. I had a crush on you."

Wendy found that very hard to believe. "Poppycock."

Peter became serious. Almost irritated. "It's not. Wendy..."

He fidgeted a moment, fishing for the right words floating in his heart.

"Wendy...good people usually aren't as pretty as you are. I were this wicked pretty girl with super strong principles. It was like... you didn't need to be the next Wonder Woman. You were just strong in a soft-spoken way, which isn't normal for a pretty girl. You were Wendy Darling. Class act. True lady. It was super sexy. And it still is."

Peter traced her cheek. "I must be a billion times greater than I give myself credit for...because you chose me."

It was a powerful moment. There, sitting on the bathroom floor, her body ailing and her nightmares looming, Wendy never felt more beautiful. Peter was a wonderful husband. He certainly had his selfish tendencies. But other times, as now, he could be absolutely heartfelt. If he was lonely or scared, he would say the loveliest things with the honesty of a child.

Wendy hugged him. "Thank you for taking care of me, Peter. I love you."

Peter smiled.

"I know," he teased, holding her close. "I'm quite a catch."

Wendy sighed exasperatedly (but lovingly) into his shoulder. "Yes you are," she said, nestling comfortably on his lap. "You certainly are."

Peter cradled Wendy until she started to doze.

"So..." he patted her arm, "What was your nightmare about?"

Wendy stiffened. But she didn't abstain.

"I..." she touched a temple, concentrating. "I...I really don't remember."

"You don't remember?" Peter tried to detect a lie, but Wendy seemed earnest. "Really? Nothing at all?"

"No..." Wendy rubbed small circles around her temple. Truthfully, she shook her head. "There's nothing but a dark blur. A dark blur and...the Wishing Star."

"The Wishing Star?" Peter drew Wendy against him. Contemplatively, he rocked back and forth. "Huh. That's weird. The Wishing Star is gone. It's nothing but a Black Hole."

Wendy gave a grim nod. "Without a shadow of a doubt."


Across the hall, Shadow (yes Peter's shadow), poked his head from under Michaleen's bed.

Wendy? Was that Wendy? Had she said his name?

Shadow rolled from floor, slithered under the threshold, and galloped down the hall.

For six obedient years he had protected Michaleen, just like Wendy told him to! For six obedient years he was Michaleen's imaginary friend! For six obedient years he was Michaleen's guardian angel! For six obedient years he avoided all mischief, shenanigans, and overall tomfoolery just because his shadow worker Wendy Darling asked him to watch her son!

The last time Shadow saw Wendy, she lay bleeding on the Second Star.

The last time Shadow saw Wendy, he had been one of the reasons she was captured by Eris and Captain Hook.

And now, finally, she was here! She said his name! Oh he was so happy to see her!

Would...she be happy to see him?

Shadow tiptoed through the bedroom. He could smell a nightmare still lingering on Wendy's pillow. Oi. It stunk. Must have been a really powerful one. 

Dusting the residual nightmare away, Shadow crept under the bed and peeked into the bathroom.

Wendy saw him immediately.

"Hello Shadow."

Shadow cowered. Wendy didn't seem mad, but he could see the awful memories in her eyes. Shadow was...well he was a shadow, and was therefore attuned to people's unhappy thoughts. 

Shadow knew Wendy was remembering how Eris had bewitched and turned him into a traitor, ultimately leading Wendy to Captain Hook.

Wendy gazed at Shadow. Forgivingly she extended a hand.

"I've missed you, dear friend. Please...come over. I promise everything is alright. And..." Wendy touched her head. "I need your help. You see, I had a nightmare that I can't remember. "

She outstretched her arms. "I think a hug should do the trick."

Shadow rushed at Wendy, arms open wide. He gave her the biggest, fluffiest, nicest hug he could muster, (which was very strange because he also found her nightmare at the same time).

Wendy nightmared again.

But Shadow's hug was very well intentioned and very well received. 

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 

sultal's note: As much as Peter drives me crazy, I felt that he and Wendy needed a moment <3 I continue to write this series, Peter is growing on me. VERY slowly. 

Also, I wanted to write the part about Wendy. She really is a INTERESTING chic. I think pop culture (including myself) want to be the Katniss Everdeen girl. Strong and beautiful, athletic, powerful.... Again, that's something I've tried to emulate all my life.

But Wendy is a heroine but in a TOTALLY DIFFERENT way. She is beautiful and strong in (as peter says) a soft spoken, lady-like way. She's not 'in your face superhero' strong. She is a classy lady, with strong principles which she upholds no matter who tries to knock her down. I've never really been able to say it in words...but it's kind of like she's a violet fighting  a winter storm. Gentle, soft, pretty, but resilient.'s a weird, cool dichotomy of her character.

Back to the chapter....I also wanted to write the part about the " college fantasy" because I ALMOST wrote Taking Fantasia/Giving Fantasia as a college story wayyyyy back when. Sort of a tribute to "what could have been" lol.

keep writing.

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