Chapter Ten.

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My words begin to jumble in my mouth as I find it hard to speak- I was in complete shock. "W-What?"

"Is that a no..?" He asks quietly in disappointment with his head hung low.

"No, no! I mean yes! I mean," I pause for a moment and sigh, trying to spit out the right words. "What I'm trying to say is.. Yes, I'd love to."

"Really?" He smiles widely. I nod and giggle, him taking me into a tight hug.

We pull away and he's only a couple centimeters away from my face, my heart beating faster than it was before.

His brown eyes traveling to my eyes, then my lips, then back to my eyes.

I bite my lip and smile softly, taking the first move because I could tell he was a bit shy about it.

I press my lips onto his, and my stomach flutters a bit. I felt him smile against my lips and I let out a breathy giggle, deepening the kiss a little.

After a while I hear keys clashing at the front door and we both jump back, starting to panic.

"Crap, um- shit. You have to go. I'm so, so sorry. My mom would flip if she knew a guy was here with me, like, alone."

"It's okay, I understand." He said with a sly smile, making me smile too.

"Goodnight Sky." He gave me a comforting hug, sighing as I hug him back. He's such a nice guy, I really hope I can keep him without Jack getting in the way.. It's just gonna be hard.

"Be careful!" I warn as he attempts to climb out of my window.

"Don't worry!" He calls out as he's halfway down the latter (that was ever so conveniently there in case of a fire), "I was born to do this."

"What, sneak out of your girlfriends house when their parents get home?" I giggle, a weird feeling in my stomach appearing as I called myself his girlfriend.

"Hey now." He warned teasingly, jumping down from the latter and onto the grass. I smile and wave goodbye to him, watching as he runs to his car a couple houses down. Dang, he really did know how to do this.

"Hey sweetie, what are you looking at?" My moms voice made me jump, my heart just about to fly out the window.

"Oh um, t-there must be a rabbit or something in the bushes. I heard it so I looked outside..?" Gee. Great lie Skyler.

She raised her eyebrow and walked over to my window, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as he drove his car away at just the right time.

"I don't see anything." She said in a questionable tone, making me shrug.

"I think I scared him away." I smile weakly, grabbing her shoulders and face her away from the window, trying to get her attention off the outside.

"So uh, what's up?" I ask, sitting on my bed, my eyebrows raising a bit as I notice her eyes- there was no hint of red at all. She didn't look drunk, either.

"I just wanted to come up and check on you." She smiled, sitting next to me. "I also wanted you to know that I've started to take work a lot more serious, for the sake of this family because I know how much it means to you."

My lips curve into a smile, immediately hugging her tight. I loved my mom, I really did. And seeing her make a true effort to stop messing up her life with alcohol and dumb choices made me so happy, because she was really the only thing I had.

"I love you so much, mommy." I giggle as we pull back from the hug, smiling wide.

"I love you too, babygirl. Now get some sleep, it's late." She stood up and kissed my forehead, turning off my lights. I smile and we exchange goodnights to each other, snuggling under my blanket and shutting my eyes.

The New Girl. {Jack Gilinsky}Where stories live. Discover now