21. Too Good To Be True

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Ethan Dolan

As soon as they were outside the doors, I breathed an enormous sigh of relief. Dr Elliot had kept apologising the whole way to the exit, saying how sorry he was that I had been kidnapped, as if he'd been the one responsible.

I tried to appease his guilt by lying that everything was okay, when really I didn't think that anyone in that building deserved my forgiveness. I just wanted him to leave us alone. 

Finally, he waved us off and went back inside, shutting us out. Blue stood beside me for a moment, looking as if she'd just witnessed talking animals doing acrobatics. From the little bit that I've seen of the lab, I didn't blame her for thinking that their behavior had been impossible. I kept waiting for someone to jump out of the tree line and shoot us both down. 

"Let's not press our luck," I mumbled, breaking into a jog. She quickly fell into step beside me, and soon trees surrounded us. 

"It's too good to be true," Blue said, voice quiet. I could tell that her ears were paying attention to every little sound from the way that her head kept cocking from one side to the other, eyes darting about. 

"Probably, but if we make it home, I don't really care. I'll barricade us in behind boarded-up windows if I have to." 

"I wonder if Grayson is alright," She said, even quieter.

"I'm sure he is."



Two hours later, we saw Ethan's street  through the trees. We hurried towards Ethan and Grayson's house. My heart pounding in my chest, Ethan knocked on the front door. "Please be okay, please be okay." Ethan mumbled, chanted, trying to resist the urge to break the door down.

The door practically flew off the hinges and Grayson came into view, his face flushing with relief. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest. "Oh, thank God," He breathed, squeezing me tighter. "Thank God, thank God, thank God. I thought you were hurt."

I let out a laugh. I barely knew this boy and here he was, worrying about me and hugging me bone crushingly tight. In that embrace, I felt like everything would be okay. 

"Ethan!" Grayson hollered. "You're alive!" Suddenly wary of nosy neighbors, he yanked the two is us into the front hallway. He locked the door and shut the curtains. He wrapped his arms around his brother, letting out what sounded suspiciously like a sniffle. 

Ethan hugged him back tighter. "Are you okay?" He laughed.

"Am I okay? Are you okay?!" Grayson practically yelled, dramatically.

Ethan laughed, letting go of his twin brother. "I'm fine, Gray."

"Didn't think I'd ever be seeing ya again, brother." A twinkle lit Grayson's eyes, and Ethan gave him a broad grin. Grayson looked at us both, "You two look like hell. Probably wanna shower, huh?" 

"Oh my God, yes please." I felt absolutely disgusting. Grayson chuckled.

"Well, you really proved to be the hero of the day. You're the main reason we're free right now." Ethan grinned.

"That crazy man took you, didn't he? And Blue, too?" Grayson raised an eyebrow.

I nodded, and Grayson scowled, grumbling under his voice. Louder, he said, "I hope you beat his ass."

"Pretty much." I offered a lopsided grin, and Grayson thumped me on the back. 

"Well, I deserve the whole damn story, don't I?" Grayson ordered, giving us a stern look. 

Ethan smiled. "Sure thing, Gray."

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