3. I Don't Have A Home

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Ethan Dolan

The rain fell down hard on the windshield of my car, a black BMW, as I drove to the nearest store. It was close to midnight and I honestly would be surprised if any stores would be open this late at night.

I passed by a gas station that looked to be open, the OPEN 24 HOURS sign was a dead giveaway. So, I turned the steering wheel and parked the car. The place didn't look the safest, run down and a lot of people hanging around in the streets surrounding it. However, I was just going in for to get a couple of things for myself and my brother, so I would be in and out quickly.

I got out of my car and made sure to lock it before I moved towards the entrance. Inside was just as run down as the outside— I would definitely not be using they bathroom in this place. I walked by the woman at the cash register who gave me a toothless (literally) smile and hurried to get what I needed.

I grabbed what I needed, then made my way to the check out. After the cashier mumbled what my total was, I handed her the money, not even waiting for my receipt or change and bolted towards the door.

I forcefully swung open the door and turned the corner, darting in the direction of my car, only for my body to collide with another. I stumbled back slightly, holding onto the bag in my hands as I lifted my gaze to confront the person who rammed into me.

Just as my mouth opened and I began to blurt the words watch where you're going, my eyes landed on a girl dressed in all black, slightly dirty clothes. She had her hood up and tried to push past me, but I could notice the bruise on her face from a mile away.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I ask, grabbing her wrist gently as she tried to get away from me. I knew I probably shouldn't be pestering the poor girl, I could tell she was distraught by the way she was acting but I couldn't help but ask.

"Fine." She managed to get out, before shoving past me.

Not believing her, I found myself following after her. "It's raining, and you seem distraught. Why don't I give you a ride home?" I offered, picking up my pace since she was almost running away from me.

"No thanks." She muttered, pulling the hood up of her black hoodie even more, her other hand was gripping her side. By the way she was walking, I could tell she was in pain.

I caught up to her eventually, I stopped her by stepping in front of her. "Please let me give you a ride home." I offered. I couldn't see her face due to the darkness and the hoodie, but I could tell she looked nervous.

She turned her head and looked behind her. She fumbled with her sleeves and turned back. "It's nice of you to do that, but I seriously have to go." She brushed her shoulder against mine and then began running.

Why is she running?

My curiosity grew and I turned around in the direction she was looking at and noticed two men walking swiftly at the end of the street. I could barely notice them, but she seemed to be running from them, since they were the only ones here.

I nervously bit my lip, my instincts telling me to follow her. I listened to them— for once, and took off sprinting after her. My feet were loud against the wet surface and the girl turned around, her eyes widening once she saw me running after her.

She turned the corner swiftly and my eyebrows furrowed. I followed her, only to be met with an open alley. The  place was silent apart from the sound of the rain hitting against the ground.
I started looking around for her. I walked down the end of the dodgy looking alley and found her crouched down behind a dumpster. She was visibly shaking, possibly out of cold or out of fear—maybe both.

I cleared my throat and a pair of bright blue eyes met mine. I could barely see the rest of her face, but the street lights lit up the blueness of her eyes. They were the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

I went to open my mouth, but the sound of voices in the distance cut me off. Her eyes widened in fear and before I could do anything, I felt my arm being grabbed and my whole body was pulling down onto the wet surface. She clasped her hand over my mouth and the voices were getting louder. I could see her eyes shutting tightly out of fear and I swallowed nervously.

"She's gone, she took off running." One of the voices stated.

"I guess we'll call it a night. We'll find that bitch in the morning."

The footsteps slowly started to disappear and she eventually opened her eyes. She removed her hand from my mouth and stood up, beginning to walk away. I stood up also and grabbed her arm, watching as she visibly tensed.

"Are you running from those guys?" I asked her, keeping my voice soft and gentle. The girl seemed to be terrified,  it was clear she was hiding from those men.

"It's none of your concern. Go back home, it's getting late." She said harshly, not daring to make eye contact with me.

"You're right, it is getting late. Which is exactly why I can't let you be out here alone. Especially since you're running from someone." I said and she shook her head.

"You don't have to worry about me, you don't even know me." She mumbled out.

"I don't care if I don't know you, I know that you're scared. You're shaking! Let me give you a ride home." I offered again.

"You can't." Her tone was more forceful this time. She was beginning to become annoyed.

"What? Why not? It's past midnight and it's freezing!"

"Because I don't have a home..."

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