11. Yes

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My only thought was to lead him as far away as possible from Ethan. I hoped Ethan had at least stayed in the car, I doubt he drove away like I asked him to.

The field I was in was enormous, the forest was only a couple of yards away. The whole time I was running I was an easy target, there was nowhere for me to hide from him. I expected to feel a tranquil bullet hit my back, but it never did.

I chanced a glance and looked over my right shoulder, to see I had a good lead on the brute. However, he was carrying a rifle in his hands, I couldn't feel until safe until I was at least in the forest. I hurdled over the fence that was separating the field and forest, sprinting ahead. I dodged the trees in my path, trying to get away from him.

I finally found a large, bulky tree that looked climbable, I could probably climb up there and wait it out for a while. I grabbed the lowest branch and hauled myself, continuing until I reached near the top.

Ethan Dolan

I could see the man running after Blue, but she had already disappeared into the woods. I watched the man climb over the fence, I hung back until he was all the way over and running again, until I followed after him.

I didn't want to get to close, after all, he did have a gun.

I got to the fence and climbed over as quick as I could. I couldn't see Blue or the man, until I saw the glint of something shiny. As I got closer, I realised what it was, it was a knife. I saw the man searching for Blue, looking up at the trees.

I watched as Blue jumped down from the tree, landing right down on the man, who let it a deep grunt. They were both on the ground and I couldn't tell what was happening. Before I could even think, I was running as fast as I could towards the sounds of grunts and yells. Blue was struggling in the man's grip and was being wrestled to the ground.

I watched as Blue lifted her leg and kicked the man where the sun doesn't shine, he painfully fell to his knees and held his crotch while he groaned. My eyes moved towards Blue, who had a visible cut just below her eye, blood was pouring out of her mouth from when he punched her.

Except, there was something wrong with her blood. It was blue. My eyes widened in shock and she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then looked up at me, her own eyes widening in the process.

The man looked up at me and laughed. He stood up and before I could lunge at him, he knocked Blues head against the tree, and threw her to the ground. "Now you're little boyfriend can see what a freak you really are. Isn't that right, Blue?"

Blue. It all made sense now. That's why her name was so unusual, his because her blood is blue.

Blue was taking the guys beating, he swung his fist repeatedly at her face. my jaw clenched and anger boiled up inside me and I lunged at him, swinging my fist so hard against his head that fell to the ground, momentarily unconscious.

I crouched over Blue who was blinking and groaning and helped her sit up. I stared at the blood dripping from her face, it was completely blue, like her eyes. She looked up at me, fear swirling her eyes.


"So...that man?" Ethan started.

I looked up at him startled, his eyes searching mine. I hadn't expected him to say anything, after all he saw what I was. I wasn't normal, I wasn't like him. I thought he'd run for the hills.

"That man," I looked down at my hands. "Is the biggest obstacle in the way of my freedom." I told him. He looked at me, confused. "I've been living in a lab not far from here, practically all my life. Until a couple of days ago, when I managed to escape." I told him.

"Why were you in the lab?" He asked me.

"Isn't it obvious, Ethan?" I threw my hands up in the air. "My blood is blue! They've been doing tests with it for years. My blood makes me stronger, I have a lot more strength than a lot of girls my age, it makes me heal faster."

"So, what you're saying is that you're a science experiment?" Ethan asked me.

I looked away from him. "Yes." I managed to stand up. "And I don't want to go back. Ever."

Ethan took a step closer to me. "They did horrible things to you, didn't they?" Ethan asked me, his voice gentle and sad.

"Yes." I answered shortly, my gaze not reaching his. "We need to get back to your car. He's going to wake up soon and do far worse things to me, and probably you."


"So, what are we going to do?" Ethan asked as he hastily drove down the dark streets. "About that man. Do you think he'll come back?" He glanced over at me.

I sighed irritably. "They'll always be back, as long as I'm alive."

"How many of them are there?" He asked me.

"As long as I've been there, I've only had to deal with two. Dr Black, Dr Roberts and the guy you punched. I call him Sir. I've never heard anyone call him anything but that." I told him.

"Wait, Doctors? Like people who help other people?" Ethan raised his eyebrows, like he couldn't imagine doctors being bad people.

"They're not helping anyone." I muttered. "I don't know their actual names. All their names start with Doctor. They're more scientists than doctors if you ask me." I grumbled.

I sneaky took a look at Ethan, realising how beautiful he looked as the moon shone over his face. Only I wasn't as sneaky as I thought, his eyes caught mine and his breath caught in his throat. His eyes looked beautiful as they searched my face.

"You know, Blue." He started. "You're really beautiful." As the words slipped out of his mouth, my heart did something funny in his chest. What he said really hit me, and heat rose up to my cheeks.

For the first time in my life, I actually felt beautiful. Hearing the words from his mouth made me feel beautiful.

"So are you, Ethan. So are you."

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