Nine- Hallucinations

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For once I wake up on my own with nobody knocking at my door. I had horrible dreams all night about wars on Earth. I decided to shower last night off of me and start my day fresh. Hopefully today will be drama free and for the most part relaxing. 

When I get out of the shower I stand there looking in the mirror for ages. I hate these red eyes. The hair is okay because its not the ginger type red, it's a deep dark red, it made me feel sexy. I decide to start my morning by visiting someone I think I need to see. 

As I wander through the halls I realize I have no idea where to find Sue, the demon of medicine. Just as that realization hit me Lucifer found me.

"Why are you over here?" He asks, obviously upset.

"I was looking for Sue," I admit and he furrows his brows, "But I just realized I had no idea where to find her."

"Well damn, you were spot on," He shakes his head at me and chuckles opening the door I'm standing in front of, "Sue, you got a visitor."

He calls out into the room which from what I can tell looks like a room you'd find in a psychic shop. Quickly a woman steps out from behind a curtain and her eyes meet mine and a large smile spreads across her face. 

"Scarlett!" She chimes and pulls me into a hug, "Come in, dear."

I step in the room and Lucifer hangs out by the door for a moment.

"Shoo," She says to him and waves her hands at him, shutting the door behind her, "What can I do for you?"

"Honestly," I sigh, "I need help."

"With what exactly?" She raises a brow in curiosity.

"My new life," I groan, "I don't know what I'm capable of or what I really want or whats even going on in my head anymore and I've been having these weird nightmares and-"

"Okay," She interrupts me by going over to the wardrobe and opening it, "I'm going to give you a mild hallucinogen that will unlock your full mind. You will not be confused or this anxious mess that you obviously are right now."

"Woah, a hallucinogen? I'm not trying to get fucked up, I just wanted-"

"No dear I'm not giving you LSD," She chuckles, "Its simply going to unlock your mind. You will take it in your own bedroom and you will be safe."

"How do you know it's going to work?" I ask and she smiles.

"I know everything about the mind and the body and the connection of the two," She explains, "I'm a master of medicine, so to say."

"I'm nervous," I admit and she chuckles.

"Good that will only make it work better," She says and hands me a cupcake, "Now go to your room eat this and lay down on the bed. You will be vulnerable for a few hours so if you've invited a bunch of us into your room already you better keep someone there to watch out for you."

"Why would I need someone to watch out if the only people who know I came to see you is you and Lucy?" I raise a brow and she shakes her head at me.

"So untrusting, great quality to have down here but you seem to push away everyone that's actually genuine down here," She says quietly but I still hear her, "There are eyes and ears everywhere in hell. Even when you think you're alone, you aren't."

I nod, "Okay. Well, thank you for the trippy cupcake."

"Of course, I'll come check on you around the time you should be back," She smiles. 

"Have fun." She says right before I shut the door. I groan and walk back to my bedroom. She better be actually helping me or I swear to god I will fucking rip her head off. Damn this better work my emotions are all over the place.

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