Four- God

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"So talk to me then," I fold my arms and avoid Lucifer's eyes.

"The reason you get to chose between heaven and hell is because of my father, God." He rolls his eyes, "He hates me because before I fell I was his favorite son. I was the strongest fighter, the smartest, and the hottest." He smirks, "When he created the humans it consumed him. He created you all as entertainment mainly, but as an experiment also. He created gifted humans, powerful humans, and he even opened up the gates of heaven for angels to go procreate with the humans, making demigods. He lost sight of the entertainment quickly and began experimenting too much. He created Lilith, the first demon who created the horsemen, they were made in my image. Lilith loved me so much she would kill anything and anyone I had a bad thought about. Since my father and I argued about the humans all the time she thought the horsemen would be a good decision. They worked together to create the horsemen, He wanted to see how his beautiful creations would deal with evil. I ended up stepping in, saving the humans from them, and banishing them all to hell for good. Dad was so pissed he nearly wiped me from existence, instead he banished me to hell with them. Hell used to be a punishment for humans turned evil. Since I've been here he changed the rules and created rules for the afterlife."

"They definitely didn't teach us this on Earth," I mumble as he takes a breath.

"He gave humans the ability to reincarnate after that because he gave up on making new ones. He decided he would try to reinvent the humans that died before they could be reborn again. A human who spends too long before reincarnation can be sent down here, but when you chose heaven and you walk through those gates, you are different. Humans were created to believe and be. If they believe they are good enough to walk through he gates of heaven they're good enough to be born again and be better. Humans are made from us, they're image, they're powers."

"Powers?" I furrow my brows, "I'm so confused, this isn't making any sense."

"The reason the afterlife is like this is because of me. God hates me and will do anything to see me suffer. You're the first to chose hell since this choice has been established. I mean considering what you're taught about hell, who the fuck would chose that, right?"

I nod and he sighs, "I loved the humans, I hated how they changed my father into a monster but I loved them. I love going to Earth and pretending I'm one of you. Father created this choice to ruin my spirit. Then, you came along."

He smiles and tucks a hair behind my ear, "Scarlett, do you want to know who your parents are?"

My eyes shoot open before my mouth speaks for me, "Yes."

He sighs and closes his eyes before taking my hands, "Focus on your breathing. We're going to be time traveling."

"What?" I say and before I can focus on my breathing we're already in a house in the mountains, "Where are we?"

"Momma!" I hear a small voice echo in the trees in front of us. A small girl with bright red hair walks out from the tree line. I notice she's carrying something in her hands.

"Scarlett! Are you okay-" I hear a woman's voice behind me and turn to see a beautiful blonde woman that looks like me, "What's that?"

The woman I'm assuming to be my mom kneels before the smaller me, "She's dead, honey."

"Watch," Smaller me says before she closes her eyes and breaths onto the dead bird. I watch closely as the birth chirps before popping up. It flies around smaller me's head a few times before going back to the trees.

"You- you," My mom begins but stops herself, "Good job, honey. I'm proud of you."

"I'm magical momma," Smaller me chuckles before running back into the house.

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