
Start from the beginning

When he unwrapped the bow around the box and opened the lid, his eyes lit up and his lips curved into a smile.

"I take it you like it?", I grinned, satisfied with his reaction.

"I love it! Thank you so much... I can't believe it..."

Inside the box was a Mafuteru necklace with all our names engraved in it, our representive colors decorating the chain.

"So, promise me you'll never forget what I told you back then with this necklace."

"I... I promise! If you promise me something..."

"Sure, what is it?"

"... Will you and the others eventually leave me? Please, stay by my side. I don't want to lose you, no matter what happens..."


I reached out and gave him a friendly hit on his head.


"Silly... Would we have given you this stupid necklace if we would ever leave you? You'll never get rid of us, I can promise you that. No matter what happens, there won't be a day passing on which one of us won't annoy you with their presence."

"I... I-I don't know what to say..."

"Just accept it and smile."

And he did smile.

Little did I know this was the last time I got to see his honest joy in person.


"Are you sure about going outside? I mean, I'm glad you finally left your room, but..."

"You're here with me, right? I should be fine."

"If you say so..."

A few days had passed since the incident and Mafu was fully back to his daily life.
We kept what happened a secret from the fans and pretended he just had to take some rest.

It was better this way.

"Hey, how about we go eat something? I know a great place! Oh, and I wanna drink bubble tea! And also-"

It was refreshing to see him enjoy life like he used to.
I couldn't stand seeing him sad or depressed anymore.

"Sure, sure. We'll do anything you want, Mafu.", I smiled, ruffling his hair.

His eyes were sparkling at everything he looked at and he finally seemed to be happy.
I enjoyed watching him and felt my heart warm at the sight until I caught a glimpse of something.

A car was driving towards Mafu, who was crossing the street while paying no mind to his surroundings, at an incredible speed.

He'd be gone in an instant if it hit him.

"Mafu, watch out!!!", I called out to him, but it was too late.

The next second, everything I felt was a stinging pain and my vision blackening.


"Can you save her!? Just tell me if you can fucking save her!!"

"I'm sorry, we-"

"Oh, don't be fucking sorry! You're just killing the person that's most important to me, no biggie!"

"S-Sir, please calm down-"

"Calm down? Calm down!? You want me to fucking calm down!?"



I barely noticed the albino running towards me as all I could focus on was the incredible pain I felt in every inch of my body.

"I-It hurts..."

"I'm so sorry... Why did you run in front of that car for me!? You should have just-"

"Watched you die...? No chance..."

"I... I'm so glad you're alive..."


"Really, I don't know what I would have done without you."


"Thanks for-"


He shrieked back a little as I increased my voice.

"M-Mafu... I won't survive this."

"Wh-What? What are you saying...?"

"Please, Mafu. Promise me to keep living... Be the happy person you want to be... And always remember my words... You have to keep the rainbow alive with your shiny and beautiful red... And support the others..."


"Goodbye, Mafu... I love you."

"(Y/N)...? (Y/N)!? No, don't leave me! Please! You promised! You promised you'd never leave me..."

I'm sorry, Mafu.

Let your rainbow shine in the brightest colors the world has ever seen.

I'll be watching from here.

I love you.



I have nothing to add here.

Hope you enjoyed, sorry it took so long!

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