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Calum: "Fuck my life," you groan loudly, allowing your head to lay a top of your math book, "I don't understand this shit one bit." (a/n: lmfao that rhymed omg omg)

"Understand what shit?" Calum perks up from were he sat, writing a new song for the upcoming album, "maybe I could help?"

"Didn't you drop out of school?" You tease him, watching as he rolls his eyes and struts towards where you sat, a smirk painted along his lips.

"Darling, please, that doesn't mean anything," he waves you off, grabbing you packet from where it laid, beginning to look it over.

"Whatever you say," you laugh, watching his eyebrows scrunch together as he reads further, his whole demeanor screaming confusion as he looks back up at you, setting the packet back down.

"Yeah. . . you have fun with that."

Ashton: "Where the hell is it!?" You sigh frustrated with you World History homework, in search of Athens, Greece.

"What did you say?" Ashton's voice overflows into the room you sat in, his tall figure now walking in.

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself." You mumble to him, "I can't find this fucking city."

"What city?"

"Athens, Greece," you tell him sighing, "I've looked everywhere."

"Babe, it's right there," Ashton points to the blank line labeled number twenty four, allowing you to quickly fill in it's right answer in actual shock he could find it so easily.

"How did you know where it was!?" You ask, watching him shrug, "I mean you didn't even know what a fucking tadpole was until most recently!"

"Health just wasn't my strong suit, that's all." He waves you off, you rolling your eyes.

"You mean Science."

Michael: "I do not understand," Michael says shortly, watching from over your shoulder as you fill out a semicolon worksheet for English.

"Great," you shortly remark, starting number twelve.

"But I want to understand," He pouts at you, "it could make me seem smarter via internet!"

"Lawd," you drop your pencil, looking up your boyfriend annoyed, "if you let me finish this, maybe I could teach you!"

"Really?" Michael asks excited, before looking back down at the worksheet again as you nod.

"Sure," you mumble now filling in twelve, then thirteen as Michael sighs.

"I think I changed my mind, this shit look boring."

Luke: "Biology can suck my ass," you slam your textbook shut, glaring at your barely finished worksheet.

"Whoa, language," Luke laughs at you, hitting your shoulder lightly, "it can't be that bad, babe!"

"Well, it is that bad," you roll your eyes, "I don't even see how this could possibly be needed in real life."

"Well if you want to be a doctor you'll need to know this!" Luke encourages you, making you scoff.

"But I don't want to be a doctor, sooo."

"So, you should still try your best!"

"Oh, just shut up Luke."

"Wow," Luke blinks, smirking teasingly, "since when was I dating Michael?" (a/n: Muke af)


Today in Geometry we got this review packet and had all of class to work on it and you want to know what I did for that fifty minutes?

Colored in all the triangles on the packet with my pencil (idk how I have an A in this class). . . I have a serious issue with procrastinating, but in my defense one has to be pretty dedicated to color in 30 triangles sooo

Skylar xx

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