Your Daughters Wedding

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Told you!


Michael: “Daddy, you’re crying!” She says softly as they dance around the floor. She reached up to wipe the tear away and Michael smiles softly at her. “I’m just very happy and very sad today. Happy because my little girl’s happy, but sad because i had to give my little girl away. You’ll be happy though right?” she kissed his cheek. “I’ll be very happy daddy.” Michael nodded and kissed her forehead. “Can i get one more dance?” She nodded. “You can have a million dances, daddy.”

Luke: He placed the veil down across her face and smiled. “Is it showtime yet?” your daughter smiles and nods her head and rests it on Luke’s chest. “Yeah, you’ll still always be there for me even though I’m getting married right?” her soft voice asked and Luke put his arms around her before giving her a tight squeeze. “No matter your situation, i’ll be there for you, always! Never doubt me being there for you, i’ll be there.”

Ashton: She sat there, getting all dolled up when Ashton strolled in. “My baby girl’s about to get married, where’d the time go?” Your daughter giggled lightly as she stood up from the make up chair to face her father. “Time went on daddy and now i’m all grown up.” Ashton nodded and readjusted his tux sleeve. “Well i’m gonna leave for just a moment, let me know when you’re in your dress alright?” she nodded her head and a little while later, let Ashton back in and once she did, he froze. His little girl was now a beautiful princess. “You’re beautiful.”

Calum: His hands kept patting hers, to comfort her. She was happy of course, she was getting married, but she was also scared because, well, she was getting married. Calum smiled at her when they reached the end of the aisle. “You’re beautiful, he loves you, you love him, don’t be scared anymore.” “I don’t want to leave you daddy!” she says, tears welling up in both hers and Calum’s eyes and finally Calum pats her hand one last time. “Make daddy proud and get married baby girl.”

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