Quirks He Loves

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Ashton: You always seem to be twirling your hair.

No matter where or in what situation, your fingers will be in your hair, and Ashton finds it to be absolutely adorable and can't help but let a small smile show every time.

Michael: You must always be touching something.

For instance if you're at a diner you'll have to mess with the silverware or play with the napkins. It's almost like a five year old with shiny objects, but don't worry Michael doesn't love you any different for it, in fact it makes him love you more. (This is actually one of my quirks).

Calum: Your ponytails are always to your left.

You've never really taken notice to it until Calum had asked you about, but you really couldn't give him an explanation. I guess it's just a habit you've picked up on and besides, it looks pretty damn good on your left anyways.

Luke: You always seem to shake your leg.

It seems whenever you're in a situation in which you're nervous, you tend to continually shake your leg back and forth whilst tapping your foot repeatedly, and though you hate it Luke on the other hand strangely cannot help, but love it.

Well hello there, sorry it has been a bit!

Skylar xx

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