Luke; He Hits You

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Here's Luke's He Hits You Preference!


Skylar Xx


Luke: “Where are you going?!” You call, running after Luke as he grabs his jacket and heads toward the door. The two of you had been fighting a lot more recently, but you never thought he would leave. “Luke!” You shout out again, running toward him. “This’ll be easier if you just let me go,” Luke almost whispers, his eyes filled with tears as he looks back at you, one hand already on the door handle. “No!” You cry out, grabbing his free hand around the wrist. “You can’t walk out on me,” you whisper, knowing if you speak any louder your voice will fail you. Luke meets your eyes and you see something desperate in them. He opens his mouth to speak, but decides against it. He pulls his arm but you refuse to let go. “Please,” he chokes out. He yanks his arm at the same time that you release, causing his hand to fly up with more force than intended. His fist connects with your jaw and you fall back, landing on the floor in front of him. You scurry back, looking up at Luke with a mix of fear and shock. He curses under his breath and runs toward you, but you recoil as he nears. “I didn’t mean to,” he says quickly, “You know I didn’t mean to.” You hear desperation in his voice. “I would never do that” He explains, his voice cracking with a strangled sob. “You know I’d never h-hit you,” he stutters, his breathing growing ragged. “Y/n,” he whispers, breathing hard through strangled sobs, “Y/n look at m-me.” You look up as he kneels beside you. You flinch as his hand gently takes your chin, directing your face so he can see the already forming bruise on your jaw. “I’m s-so sorry,” he chokes out, squeezing his eyes shut as tears spilled onto your shirt while he examines the damage. “I’m - I’m a -” he could get no more words out. He stops trying to speak and sits next to you on the floor, letting the angry tears fall. A minute passes, the only noise being Luke’s subsiding sobs and your heavy breathing. “Will you stay?” you ask quietly. Luke looks at you in awe, certain he must have heard wrong. “W-will you stay? you repeat a little louder. “Y/n I -” he stops short, considering you for a moment, “I love you.”


You wake up tucked into bed and instantly smell bacon. Confused, you sit up and notice Luke isn’t in bed. You get up and look at your reflection in the mirror, sighing when you see the blueish swelling along your jawline. You head out to the kitchen, and laugh immediately when you see Luke in the kitchen. “Oh, hey,” he mumbles, smiling at you warily. “What are you doing?” You ask, taking a seat on a bar stool and watching him. “I thought I’d make you breakfast,” he sighs, looking down at the pan in front of him. “It’s so burned!” You giggle, picking up something that must have once been bacon. “So is my hand,” Luke points out, raising his hand and inspecting it. “Awe, baby,” you reach over the counter and take his hand gently, looking at the red spot. “And I used all the bacon,” he mumbles. You laugh again shaking your head at Luke. “I made coffee, though!” he says excitedly, rushing to the coffee pot and pouring some for you, adding creamer and setting it in front of you. “You’re the best,” you sigh contentedly, resting your chin in your hand. You wince, drawing back immediately when your hand touches the bruise he left yesterday. You fake a smile and pick up your coffee mug, taking a long sip so that you don’t have to look at Luke’s concerned face. When you set the cup down, he is still watching you anxiously. “Stop looking at me like that,” you say defensively. “I’m sorry,” Luke says, and you know he isn’t talking about looking at you. “Can we not talk about it?” you ask, examining your coffee to avoid Luke’s gaze. “I feel like we need to,” Luke persists, sitting next to you. “It was an accident,” you say, hoping he’d drop it. “It shouldn’t have happened,” he points out, frowning. “It’s over,” you say, finally meeting his eyes. “I forgive you. You didn’t mean to. It was an accident and a lot was going on and I forgive you.” You nod, signaling that the conversation was over. “I love you,” Luke says seriously. You kiss him softly, letting that be your reply

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