Image For Makayla

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So, I'll probably do only one image today because I'm going to be busy later tonight, but I'll for sure get more done tomorrow! : )

Skylar xx

"Well, guys!" Ashton says loudly. "What's the plan for the rest of the night!" He asks, as you all lay around the hotel room bored.

"Dunno..." Michael mumbles, laying his head back on the couch he was seated on.

"We could play hide-an-seek!" Luke suggests.

"And where would we hide?" Calum asks him, turning to look at him like he was a foreign object.

"Well there's the uh, the-"

"Well, uh, there's the uh, nothing." Calum says cutting him off, resulting in you smacking him lightly.

"Be nice, I think we should play." You state, giving the the rest of the boys a look as they protest.

"Fine, but you're on my team Makayla." Calum huffs, grabbing your arm.

"Is there even te-"

"Yes, there is Luke, now go out in the hallway and count." Calum scolds the boy, shooing him out.

"Where are we going to even hide?" You ask, once Luke leaves your eyes scanning the hotel room that wasn't necessarily the biggest.

"I know where!" Calum states, pulling you towards the small coat closet across from the bathroom. "Wait, maybe we should hide in the bat-"

"Oh, just come on Cal, we don't have time for this he has to be almost done counting!" You hiss, tugging the idiot into the cramped closet with you.

"Well hello there." He says, as he squeezes in next to you wiggling his eyebrows and quickly reaches out to pull the door closed.

"Shut up." You laugh slapping his chest, glad he couldn't see the blush that's mostly likely covering your face as you both grow quiet.

"So, now what?" He whispers, breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"Dunno, we wait I guess.."

"But that's boring..." Calum whines.

"To bad." You say back mimicking his whiny voice. "You'll just have to be patient and once he finds us we could wa-"

"Can I kiss you?" Calum, asks cutting you off and basically giving you a heart attack.

"W-what?" You ask, shocked at his sudden randomness.

"I said, can I.. kiss you?" Calum repeats, bringing his face closer to you his breath fanning your face.

"I-I mean if y-you want to." You say, barely able to talk as Calum brings his lips to meet yours, causing your heart to basically burst.

"Ha! I fo-HOLY SHIT MY EYES!" The sound of Luke's voice screams as he opens the door, ruining the short lived moment for the both of you.

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