You Text the Wrong Boy

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I just finished a bag of Flamming Hot Cheetos and my mouth is on fire, like jfc it burnssss.

Skylar xx

Michael: You text Luke.

Hey, hot stuff can't wait until you get home! I have surprise for you ; )

Uh, Y/n... I think you have the wrong number...

Seriously, omfg, I'm sorry Luke!

Nah, it's fine Y/n, but what surprise did you get Michael?

Wait, don't reply I just saw the winky face!

Luke: You text Calum.

Hey babe, while you're out could you pick up some tampons for me?

Well, as much as I love you as a friend babe, don't you think that's more of something for Luke to do? I mean, I'm not even out at the moment...

Oh, I'm sorry Calum! I could've sworn I clicked Luke's number!

It's fine... and a good thing to, because I have no idea what a tampon is.

You're so clueless it hurts.

Calum: You text Ashton.

What do you think, purple or white bra babe?

I'd say purple, just because the color reminds me of Twilight Sparkle.

Oh, uh, I'm sorry Ashton I accidentally texted you...

It's fine Y/n, but seriously consider the purple bra.

Nah, I'll probably go with the white.

Pooey :(

Ashton: You text Michael.

Hey babe ; )

Uh, hey?

Where you at, I need your help with something ; )

I'm at home, eating food, and playing Pokemon... why the hell do you keep sending me those faces?

Oh shit, those were for Ashton, I'm sorry.

Well, at least I can tell the guys Ashton is definitely not a virgin now.

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