Imagine For Alondra

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"Hey Ashton, you should pass me the popcorn." You tell him getting tired of watching him hog it, stuffing large handfuls into his mouth.

"No." He scoffs, continuing to eat it, but more slowly now, teasing your taste buds. "It's mine."

"Pardon?" You ask him, raising a eyebrow at his child-like behavior.

"I popped it." He says, pointing at himself. "So therefore, it's mine."

"Oh hell no." You growl, reaching across from your spot for the bowl causing him to scream

"My precious!" Before taking off out of the living room where you two had sat watching a movie, bond and determined to keep it all for himself.

"Seriously Ash!" You shout after him, following his loud foot steps. "It's just popcorn!"

"Just popcorn!" Ashton gasps at you, as you both now stand across the breakfast bar from each other, pulling the bowl to his chest. "This is not just popcorn Alondra! This is life!" He states passionately, causing you to shake your head at him

"You are the weirdest person I've ever met, I swear..." You tell him, slowly beginning to leave the kitchen deciding to just give up on the whole popcorn thing.

"But you love me, right?" He asks, a smug smile on his lips as he munches on his 'life'.

"But of course."

I really, really like this one for some reason... it must be because it has food in it...

Skylar xx

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