Image For Anna

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I love Saturday's, they're so wonderful. I have no school, no homework, it's just me and my bed.

Skylar xx

"I had fun tonight." You giggle as Luke puts the car into drive, a smile on his face.

"Yeah?" He says, meeting your eyes for a split second. "I had a lot of fun tonight to."

"Yeah... we should do this again sometime." You sigh contently, watching the moving scenery outside the car window.

"Really?" Luke asks you, his bright eyes seemingly brighter as you nod. "Where'd you want to go?"

"Hm.. I think the zoo would be nice." You tell him, still pondering. "Maybe even the aquarium."

"The zoo would be cool." Luke says, giving you a wicked smile. "I mean, after all it does have penguins."

"You and your penguins." You snort at him. "I swear."

"What?" He whines, giving you a quick glance before turning his eyes back to the road. "They're cute!"

"Yeah." You laugh. "I'll give them that."

"Exactly, no one can deny their cuteness!" Luke laughs loudly, pulling his car to idle in front of your house.

"We're here already?" You pout. "That was such a short ride."

"Yeah, it did go by pretty quick." Luke smiles. "But hey, at least we'll be seeing each other again soon."

"Oh really." You say, a smile playing at your lips. "How soon?"

"Next Friday?" He asks, raising a eyebrow as you nod.

"Sounds, perfect." You say, opening the car door. "See you Friday then?"

"See you Friday then..." Luke smiles, watching you get out before quickly shouting to you grabbing your hand in the process. "Wait, Anna you forgot something!"

"I did?" You ask, confused as Luke places both of his hands on your cheeks.

"Yeah, my goodbye kiss."

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