Chapter 60 - Escape

Start from the beginning

"Maybe they don't like killing. They just don't trust." Glenn offered.

"Then they wouldn't have put up signs." Rosita answered.

"I killed five of them." I spoke as I shook my head. "3 with a sniper outside the fences, two who tried to bring me in... and they still shot at my feet. There's other train carts around this place... whatever this is... I don't think we're the only ones. And they've put those signs up for a reason. If Martinez was in here and they moved him out... he's dead. They're not afraid of killing."

"He could have been moved to another cart." Bob said.

"Why just him?" Rick asked. "No." He shook his head. "Kats right. And if they come back for more of us... we need to be ready." Rick moved, grabbing my father's watch he still had on him and moving over to a piece of splintered wood in the cart. He began to saw at it with the chain, cutting deeper and deeper to make a sharp wooden point.

Daryl moved over to me, crouching down in front of where I remained unable to move with two kids sleeping up against me. He looked to them for a minute and them back up at me before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pocket knife. My pocket knife. The one I hadn't thought much of since leaving it in the eye of my attacker. I smiled as he held it out to me and I took it. Turning it over in my hand before I lightly shook my head and handed it back.

"Keep it." He was going to protest but I shoved it into his chest a little harder. "They'll take the men first, Daryl. It's the smart move."

"We didn't kill any of theirs. You did."

"Rick did." I shot back. "It's different... out there. I had a gun, they took it. In here... our biggest hope is strength. They'll want Rick gone soon. And after him they'll base it on physicality. If their smart. You and Abraham." I nodded over to our new companion. "They'll go for me or Michonne before Eugene. They might rank him with Maggie or Rosita at a glance. Glenn's fit but he's small, they'd have to know he's fast and he led that group here so... another leader to take out.

Daryl slipped the knife back into his pocket. It was bullshit and he knew it was. These people weren't afraid of us. But there was one thing I had said that was true... in here with no weapons our biggest chance was strength. If we were taken out he would stand a better chance of breaking free. So he needed the knife. Simple.

"Do we need knives?" A sleepy voice asked as a small little girl spoke.

I smiled down at her. "Don't worry about it, Molly."

"I still have them." She said back.

"What?" I questioned before she started to move, reaching into her sock and pulled out one flat throwing knife. "They didn't search me." She shrugged. "At least not in my shoe. I gave one to Martinez, Luke has the other." She said quietly as I looked over to Daryl and then moved to Luke, lightly shaking him awake.

"Hey, Luke. Wake up." I gently shook him as he stirred a little before his eyes fluttered open. "Do you have one of these?" I held up the knife and he nodded before pulling out the second. He also kept it in his sock. I smiled and took it before standing up. "Rick." I moved over to him and held out the two small little flat knives that he quickly snatched up with a questioning look on his face before I nodded over to the kids. "There were three. They gave the other to Martinez."

He nodded. "Keep that one." He passed me back one, keeping the other for himself. "Maggie." He called my sister over before gesturing her to keep working on the splintered wood, her being the closest to us before he placed a hand on my shoulder and lightly guided me over to the other side of the cart. He spoke quietly so no one else could hear. Glenn stood near Maggie, Abraham's group and Tara mostly kept to their own corner and Sasha and Bob I had noticed didn't stray too far from each other. Daryl stayed with the kids.

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