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You're an infant in this story just go along with it.

The restaurant was loud and filled with strangers. You didn't like strangers. You just liked being with your mom and dad. No one else. Tears always pooled in the corners of your eyes when one of them left you. They had to take you everywhere. You where happy with them, but happiest when you were asleep. And you just couldn't go to sleep around strangers.

Roger, your father, and Laurie, your mother, wanted to go on a dinner date, but since no one could babysit you, they had to drag you along with them.
It was awful. All you wanted to do was be home. But instead, you were stuck in one of those carrying things. Fuck, I don't know what they're called, but you're in one.

You started to cry very loudly in the middle of dinner for no reason other than to get your father's attention. He sprung up at once, almost spilling his white wine and took you outside as quickly as he could.

The cold air made you shiver, which didn't do anyone any good. He left his coat inside, so he tried to hold you the best he could, trying to keep you warm. It hurt his heart to see his infant daughter like this. He was so desperate for help, and he didn't know what to do with you. You clenched onto his shirt and pulled it, burying your head in his chest. He kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back slowly and gently.

He started to hum the song he always sung to you. He softly sang the lyrics into your ear as you melted like butter in his arms. It always calmed you down, and this time was no exception.

You tried to keep your eyes open, but it was quite hard now that you had finally cooled off from your tantrum. All that energy was gone, and you didn't care about the weather or the strangers. You only seemed to care about sleeping now.

All you could remember was his heartbeat, which you could feel through his chest, and the warmth from his arms as he rocked you steadily.

I may be off for a bit, for reasons that are hard to explain right now. I am sorry in advance.
- Nordik

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