Dating Modern Roger Inculdes... THE SEQUAL

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Just wanted to thank everyone for reading this. This is my thank-you present to all of you.

Dating Modern Roger includes...
- Roger teaching you about wwii and then crying because of his dad. You hug him while he sobs in your shoulder. He is extremely grateful for your company. But he will only reply with a thank you. Nothing else

- Roger blushing when you call him one of your nicknames. See part 1 for details

- Roger hugging you from the back, kissing you cheek, and calling you his nicknames for you. See part 1 for details

- Roger who has drank to much cheap white wine, catcalling you and laughing his ass over really small and irrelevant things

- Roger actually listening to you. And understanding you

- Roger knowing when you're anxious or scared in public. He then holds your hand and reassured you by saying sweet nothings

- Roger getting pissed at people who ask if Roger is your father. Roger slaps your ass, and kisses you without permission. Roger than looks at the person and says 'no' real firm. The person is in shock, so Rog takes your hand in the opposite direction, most likely to go finish what he started

- Hugs. All the hugs. Hugs from the front. Hugs from behind. Surprise hugs. Surprise hugs from the back. Hugs with kisses. All. Of. The. Hugs

- Roger's day being a coin flip. Either good or bad. However his day is always a little better when he wakes up with you in his arms

- Agreeing to take a nap with Roger, but in reality your just saying yes so you can look at his peacefully sleeping face next to you

- Spooning while thinking about happy scenarios regarding you and Rog's relationship

- Roger buying you your favorite flowers randomly. By the end of each month, all of the vases are being used

- Rog gently grinding his stubble in your shoulder when you hug. On purpose

Haven't posted in a while. In the process of writing part 2 for the new story arc. I'm not having a writer's bock. Actually its the opposite of that. It's just hard for me to express what i want to write about. It's like a movie in my head and I can watch it as much as I want, but you all don't get to see it. And i feel bad because its so much better, but I can never write it as good as i replay the scenes in my head. So i become self-indulgent in my work. It will take me weeks to write a chapter, but it takes seconds to create a scene in my head. I hate it.
Anyway I love you all, and I promise an update sometime soon.
- Nordik

MODERN ROGER WATERS IMAGINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora