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People say I'm not fast. But I'm fast. I'm so fast, that i can update consecutively AND sustain a healthy relationship with everyone around me. Just kidding. I may be fast, but I'm not that fast. No one is that fast.

Roger had a few interviews today, leaving you alone. You knew how much interviews ticked him off, sometimes he'd come home and would be happier than a clam, and sometimes, unfortunately, he'd be a storm a brewing. You prayed that Roger would come home happy.

It was getting late, Rog said he'd be home around dusk, but the sun had already fallen. It was torture without Roger, how on earth did you survive this long? Minute after minute passed, and soon, 30 minutes.
You began to worry. You called Roger, in hopes he picked up, but he didn't pick up.

You had nothing to do, all you did since Rog left was read and talk to your best friend.

You were tired of waiting on Rog. Literally. You couldn't keep your eyes open. You walked up the stairs, disappointed. Half way up the stairs, you heard the front door open. You looked over your shoulder and see Roger closing the door.

"Roger what took you so long?" Roger didn't respond, he only took off his coat and stared at you. You walked downstairs, eyeing his body language. Roger slouched and his knees were wobbling. You caressed your hand over Rog's upper arm. His skin was cold, and he jerked his arm back. I guess his skin wasn't the only thing cold.

"Roger, what happened?" Roger stared at you with sorrow.
"Its not your fault that I'm being a dick." Roger yawned and stretched his arms up into the air.
"Roger I-" Roger hugged your frame, his chilled arms wrapping around your body. His head nested in the crook of your neck, and his grey stubble tickled, making you shiver at his touch. You hugged Rog deeper.

"Did you eat anything?" You whispered in his ear. For what you saw, Roger hadn't ate anything all day, besides this morning.
"I'm to tired to eat." No wonder he looks so sad, Roger was to tired to even feed himself.
"What have you ate since this morning?" Roger became annoyed, but was to tired to care.
"Doesn't matter. I Want sleep. Not food." You massaged Roger's scalp and played your fingers through his silvery and thin strands of hair.

"I was about to go to bed when you got home. But I-" Without a comment or question, Roger slumped his way up the stairs, leaving you behind downstairs. You picked up Roger's black jacket and followed Roger upstairs.

You walked into the bedroom seeing Roger laid in bed wearing his black shirt, black pants, and a pair of grey socks.
"That can't be comfortable." You said to yourself. Roger heard you and groaned.

You rested the jacket over one the chairs, and opened one of Rog's drawers and pulled out a pair of black cargo-like shorts.
"How 'bout these?" You held up the shorts to Roger.
"Those will do, Love." You noticed Roger didn't even look up at you.

You walked over to Rog's side of the bed. You noticed his belt was on the floor, and pulled his black pants down. You got to his knees until Roger's head jerked up at you.
"(Y/N) I'm to old and tired for this." Roger whispered to you.

"Eww Roger! I'm just getting you into something more comfy. Plus you know you wouldn't stop me even if I really was going to try that with you." Roger snickered.
"Well your making me feel uncomfortable. Give me the shorts and let me put them on. I'm not that old." You handed Roger the shorts and walked over to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

Minutes later, Roger fell asleep on his back, arms sprawled out in different directions. You nuzzled up against Roger's chest, pulling the covers over the both of you. You soon fell asleep in Roger's arms.

Something is beyond wrong with me. I'm working on 2 more short updates, and of course chapter 5 [i think that's what chapter were on.] Of TAKE IT TO THE HEART. Also like another one of my updates, i wrote this in 1 day, and It would make me sad to check over grammar and shit like that so yeah, this sucked. But someone might like it.
I also made this collaboration playlist for you guys. You can add any song you like. Pink Floyd or not, it doesn't matter. I did this so we can all share and recommend new music to each other. The link is in my profile description, just scroll down all the way, and the link will be at the bottom.
Love everyone of you. Don't believe me? Message me.
- Nordik

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