Sickboi Rog [PART 1]

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You felt movement in the bed, as Roger swiftly darts to the bathroom, slamming the door that startled you out of your sleepy state. You stared at the bathroom door, waiting for a sound. Then, you heard the unpleasant sound of Roger throwing up. You quickly sprung out of the bed, and opened the bathroom door, invading Roger's privacy.
    "Rog, are you ok in here?" The question could be answered from the start.
Roger was leaning over the tub, groaning as he blew chunks onto the porcelain. You ran over to Rog. The closer you got to him, the more you could smell of reeking vomit.

    "I couldn't make it" Roger said looking up at you in grief.
"I'm sorry" Roger hurled up more snippets of throw-up.
    "Hush Rog, It's not your fault at all." you massaged circles onto his back, as you reached over and grabbed a small hand towel for Roger to wipe the puke off his face. You handed Rog the towel, and got up to get a cup of water for him.

You came back with a plain cup of water without ice. You handed it to Roger, who had his back to the wall with one hand rubbing his forehead and the other clenching his stomach. His legs were lounged in different directions.
    "Thank you, now I can get this god-awful taste out of my mouth" Roger murmured to you. You bent down to Rog's level, and intertwined your fingers in his silky soft hair and kissed him lightly on the temple. He smiled warmly at you. You looked in his eyes and saw tenderness.

    "Now what am I going to do about this mess?"
Roger's head jerked up at you.
    "What do you mean 'you?'"
Roger cocked his head squinting his eyes at you.
    "Someone's has to clean it up."
Roger huffed at you in annoyance
    "Then I will clean it up. my mess, my job."
You looked at him, thinking the usual. 'Of course he's going to be difficult.'
    "You're sick, Rog."
Roger rolled his eyes at you. Obviously.

"Damn you, you're right." He looked down at the bathroom tiles. As you smiled in victory, as he looked up at you. Now, you can get the job done right.
    "But I'm not bloody sick, I'm fine."
Was this still a discussion? He just threw up all over the tub, and he's STILL trying to convince you he's ok? Classic Rog.

    "I'm not arguing, you're sick, and that's that."
Roger scoffed at you in return. You noticed how cranky Roger had been, and spotted that Roger's black shirt had puke on it.
    "Let me go get you another shirt, the your wearing has vomit on it."

    Roger looked down his dirty black shirt. "Oh so it does."
You left the Roger in the bathroom alone. You opened one of his drawers that was filled with black shirts and picked the top one. You also ran down to the kitchen to get a bucket of some sort. You found a small bucket, but it was better that Roger puking up again on the floor. You went back to the bathroom, and gave the shirt to Roger.

    "You lay in bed while I clean this mess up. When I'm done, I'll make you toast. Oh, and take this with you as well."
You gave Rog the bucket, and sent him off back to bed while you cleaned the chunks out of the tub.

It wasn't all chunky. Only clumps of stuff, the rest was liquid like and could go down the drain easily.


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