Brothers at Heart

Start from the beginning

"Oh. Thanks," Merlin said, still rather confused, but he wasn't going to deny a day off from the back breaking work Arthur always had him do, day after day.



"Uh, well— Have a good day, then," Arthur said, a but awkwardly, then slunk out the door, closing it behind him and walking away.

Merlin and Lysander turned back to look at each other, staring for a moment, then the brown haired boy burst out into laughter, startling Merlin.

"What was that all about?" he asked, once Lysander had gotten a hold of himself again, squinting at the other magic user.

"H— Well— You see—" Lysander had to stop because he choked on air, not quite composed yet. "I can sense emotions, as you probably know. Some people, mainly druids, have a barrier. You have a natural one as well. But uh, Arthur doesn't."

"... And what is that supposed to mean..?"

"I— Uh— Well— You, you see— The emotions Arthur were feeling were... not the emotions one usually feels when looking at their manservant," Lysander coughed out.

Merlin flushed, even the tips of his ears turned red. "Wh— What?"

"It's exactly what I said. Prince Arthur cares about you a... bit more then he tries to let you see. And, if how you're reacting tells me anything, you feel a similar emotion?" Lysander chuckled, his smile growing wider as Merlin turned an even darker red, glaring daggers into his soul.

"I-- Do not!" Merlin huffed, eyes flashing gold as he hurled a glass container at Lysander's head, which he easily caught in midair, his own eyes, usually a grey-silver, flashing a startling purple. The green liquid inside the container sloshed around as it floated down to rest on the table, in between an angered Merlin and a Lysander with a cheeky grin.

"Oh? Well, best not to tell him that, hm?" Lysander tilted his head, batting his eyelashes. "You wouldn't want to break your dear prince's heart."

"Shut up, or I'll enchant your tongue to the roof of your mouth." Merlin's eyes flashed threateningly, and another bottle flew at Lysander's head, stopping a foot away with yet another purple swirl of color.

"Do you even know a spell to do that? Wait-- Don't tell me. I don't want to know," Lysander snorted, chucking the bottle right back at Merlin. They continued to do this for a few moments, until Gaius entered to room and the bottle crashed to the ground, spilling a hissing yellow substance onto the ground. The two boys turned to face the old man with bashful looks on their faces, and he raised the condescending eyebrow.

"What were you two doing?" he asked, but judging by the fading, unnatural colors in their eyes, he already knew. "You know you're not supposed to use your magic for fun."

"Sorry Gaius-- We just had a little... Uh, argument," Merlin explained loftily, with a glare shot towards Lysander, who just snickered in response.

Gaius shook his head slowly, sighing heavily. "What am I going to do with you two. Imagine; two magic users in Camelot, right under the prince's nose!"

"We haven't gotten caught."

"Yet," Lysander added helpfully.

Gaius just mumbled something that sounded like 'boys will be boys' under his breath, shuffling over to another table on one side of the room and setting down his bag, pulling out dried herbs and some not so dry herbs.

"Well, we have a day to do anything we want," Merlin turned to grin at Lysander, who raised his eyebrow in a similar way as Gaius.

"And it's wet, most likely. Look at those herbs." He tossed his head in Gaius' direction, causing Merlin to frown.

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