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I felt my heart shatter. No. That couldn't possibly be true.

I felt my voice shake, "N-No. Your insane. There's no way Noen would betray me like that."

She smirked at me. "Well think again Benji. He did. How does that make you feel?"

She was taunting me. Trying to get to me. I wasn't going to crack.

She took a step closer to me and rested a hand on my shoulder. She had sharp acrylics on that looked like mini knives. They were painted a sleek red.

I pulled away and turned on my heel. "Stay the fuck away from me Sara!" I screamed and walked back into Sin City.

I hit the button for Noen's floor and felt tears sting at the back of my eyes. She's trying to get to me.

Once I got there I didn't bother knocking. I opened the door and not to my surprise found Noen on the couch straddling Chase's hips kissing him deeply. His hands cupping Chase's face they both had slightly rosy cheeks.

They both jumped and looked at me. I stared at them. "Benji?" Noen said in a worried tone. He climbed off chase quickly and walked towards me.

"Is it true?" I asked.

"What? Is what true?"

"Y-You. You got Sara pregnant?" I asked feeling sadness and anger rise in my gut.

"Excuse me what?!" Chase stared at Noen.

"B-Benji. I-I can expl-"

"No. I already know everything. The love of my life cheats on me with the person who is closest to me and neither of you bother to tell me but instead try and lie about not to mention the fact that she will be giving birth to your child?! Did I miss anything?" I asked.

"Benji I-"

I repeated myself. "DID. I. MISS. ANYTHING."

He said nothing but stared at the ground.

I scoffed. "That's what I thought." I said turning around.

"Benji! I'm sorry!" He said grabbing my wrist turning me around, "I-I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing or why I did it. All I know is that she and that baby mean nothing to me now! I didn't mean to betray you! I didn't. My head wasn't in the right mind space and I shouldn't be making excuses and I'm sorry. Please. I just I know you'll need time away from me but I hope one day you can forgive me. But I'll pack my stuff-"

I stopped him there. "Woah woah woah. Where would you go?"

"Chases." He whispered quietly. As if realizing Chase might not let him stay there.

Chase was watching the whole situation with wide eyes. Not saying a word.

"You are not leaving. That's what she wants. You will stay right here. I need some time away. And I just. I have to figure out what's going to happen with Jorge."

"What do you mean?" Noen asked.

I filled him in on my meeting with Sara. How if I don't "give her" Noen she's going to come after Jorge. Which I don't know how she doesn't have anything on him.

That's when I realized something.

I looked at Noen. "How did she know Jorge's name? Or even that he existed?"

He shrugged. "Maybe she saw you take him to school or something and looked him up somewhere." He said quietly.

"Jesus fuck. She's planning something. Something bad. Are you sure you don't know anything?" I demanded.

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