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Jorge and I headed into the bar and found everyone either gathered around the pool table, sitting around the couch or at the bar. It's 10:00 am so why? I don't know.

"Okay everyone! Thank you for coming! How was everybody's Friday night?" I asked. Noen smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yo boss?" A guy named Spencer said.

"Yes, Spencer?" I asked before continuing.

"Who's the kid?"

"Okay yea. Guys this is Jorge. You will treat him with respect. Or else you'll hear from me. Got it?"

They all murmured yes's.

"Okay so going on about the problem Noen brought to me this morning, does anybody have any suggestions?" I asked.

Nobody spoke.

"We could just talk to her. Befriend her and maybe convince her not to go on with the trial?" A voice spoke out. I realized it was Jorge.

"That's an option however, now that the police know that there's a witness they aren't gonna let it go." I said thinking.

"Or we could just kill her." Syd said.

"Syd no." I said.

"No wait. He may be onto something," Noen stated.

I gave him a look. "Just hear me out. What if we kidnapped her and held her here. Convince her what we did was right and maybe pay her off to keep her mouth shut. And if that doesn't work we kill her."

"Everything sounds fine. Other than the last part. But even if we do convince her to keep her mouth shut the police are still going to want her to testify." I said crossing my arms.

"So we convince her to say something different." Jorge said.

I thought for a moment. "Not a bad idea. Everyone good with that?" I asked.

"Hold on. Are we just going to listen to this kid that's been here for what? A month?" Spencer said scoffing.

"His name is Jorge. And I don't see anyone else giving me any ideas so Spencer if you don't like his idea how about you give me a better one huh?"

I didn't speak.

"That's what I thought. Jorge is part of our gang and again I don't want to hear of anybody disrespecting him. Are we clear?"

Everyone nodded and nobody spoke.

"Okay. Milo! What do we got?" I asked looking at him on his computer.

"Okay. So it's gonna be a," he paused.

"What milo?" I asked.

"16 year old female. Tessa Green."

"Oh shit." I said.

"What?" Jorge asked.

"16 is the youngest we've ever had." I said. "She should be easy to convince. Let's do it." I said.

The group dispersed and Jorge stayed behind.

"So we're kidnapping a girl?" He asked.

I nodded.


"Don't worry you won't have to do much." I assured him. "But I do want to do one thing. If your going to be in this gang you have to know how to fight. Or at least some type of self defense. And I'm going to teach you." I stated proudly.

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