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I followed behind Noen and Syd into Noen's room. As we entered I spotted Addy sitting on the couch with Cayman as per usual. Milo was also at the table typing on his computer. She was sitting in front of a boy.

He was tied up in one of Noen's kitchen chairs. God. He looked sexy as hell. I didn't even know this boy but something about his faint array of freckles to his curly black locks made me want to fuck him right then and there.

I was snapped out my thoughts when the mystery boy kicked what looked to be a knife out of Addy's hands.

He was up but fairly soon realized he wouldn't get far as his feet were bound together.

"NOEN!" I yelled.

Within the blink of an eye Noen and Syd were on the other side of the room.

Noen kicked the back of the boys knee as both of them brought him to the ground.

I stood back watching as Addy walked over to the boy. She kneeled down in front of his face saying something. Knowing her it was short but deadly. She was always a badass.

She stood up and stood back letting me in. I looked at Noen and nodded my head up signaling for them to get the boy to his knees.

They got him up so he was kneeling. But he was looking down at the floor. I stepped right in front of him.

He continued to look down. I was a little fed up with this boys attitude and I don't even know his name yet.

I took my finger and hooked it under his chin forcing his face up to look at me.

His eyes were glossy. He let one tear fall from his right eye. I wiped away with my thumb.

He was shaking. He was scared of me. That's how I liked it.

I only smirked and let his face fall again.

I whispered to Noen, "Have him in my room tonight. By 9:00 pm sharp. Untie him. Let him roam around your apartment only. Let him ask questions. Answer as many as you can. But leave some for me so we have something to chat about. Clear?"

Noen nodded, "Sure boss."

I nodded and headed out of the room, "Milo. Addy. Cay. Come with me please?" they nodded as Milo closed his computer and picked it up to follow me, Addy and Cay trailing behind. Taking one more peek at the scared boy on the floor, I left the room and shut the door.


I was staring at the ground. This is not happening. The boy with the really blonde hair got me on my feet.

He walked behind me. I felt the cold metal of a blade between my wrists, "Don't try anything. You won't get out of here." I didn't say anything or do anything. I felt as he sliced the ropes from my aching wrists.

The other boy was doing the same to my feet. Before I could even do anything boy one had me by the shoulders and rather harshly sat me on the couch.

I looked down at my hands in my lap not wanting to look at any of them.

"Wow your really bad at eye contact huh?" Boy two said.

I didn't look at him.

"Bottom" Boy two whispered to boy one as a joke.

I looked at him and gave him a dirty glare.

"Well that got your attention huh?" Boy one said.

I still didn't say anything.

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