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Ok but can we talk about how adorable Jey looked in these pics🥺 he really is bby


I closed the door quietly. I needed to find my backpack. I needed to get out of here. Sure I'd be living in the streets. But this was a GANG I couldn't roll with these people. They could literally kill me at any time. I wasn't taking that chance.

Sure benji was hot.

Like really fucking hot.

And he makes me stomach turn.

But I've only know him for like 18 hours or something.

That's so bad.

I'm just gay and have raging hormones.

Yeah. That's it. That's why he's so attractive.

Fucking shit. Everything is fine.

I had to find my backpack. Where would it be?

Benjis suite.

I made it back to the elevator.

35 floors. Holy shit.

I hit 35. When I made it to the top I stepped out and made my way to the familiar doors.

I tried the handle knowing damn well it was gonna be locked.

I sighed when the handle wouldn't give.

I searched my pockets for anything to pick the lock with. Nothing.

I sighed in defeat when I heard the handle turn.

I frantically looked around for some place to hide. A plant.

I darted behind a large potted plant next to the door. I saw it open.

It was pitch dark so I could barely make out the figure of Benji.

He headed down the hall and into the elevator.

Where was he going?

It doesn't matter. I ran and caught the door before it closed. I stepped inside and blinked trying to get used to the darkness of the room.

Where would his office be?

I tried the first door. Nope. Closet.

Everything was kind of in the open.

I tried a different door. Nope. Bathroom.

I made my way upstairs.

I found his bedroom from before. I passed by it. I came to a door with a passcode pad next to it. Asking for a six digit code. I sighed. Of course. What would the password be?

I thought about what I knew about him.

His father.

He loved his father.

I moved away from the door and peered into the bedroom.

I walked in hesitantly and went around the side of the large bed.

On the nightstand was his phone. Why did he leave and not bring his phone with him?

It doesn't matter. I picked it up and opened it. He didn't have a password which was a little odd.

This was way too easy for me. Somethings going on. And I could feel it in my gut.

I ignored the feeling for now and opened up safari.

I looked up, Sin City gang leader.

Tons of articles popped up. Most of them with headings close to "Gang leader dies due to bullet wound". That's terrible.

I didn't have to look long before I found the date. June 9, 2017. (Fun fact June 9, 2003 is my bday)

I closed the article and closed the tab. Locking the phone I set it back down on the night stand gently.

Making my way back to the door with the passcode I bent down so I was eye level with it.

Holding my breath, I plugged into the passcode, 060917.

The passcode lit up green and the door unlocked. I let out a single breath as I stood up.

Jorge you may have let yourself get kidnapped but sometimes you are one smart bastard.

I opened the door and made my way in.

There was a hug desk with a keyboard on it. I saw a huge television screen mounted to the wall. That must be the computer monitor.

This guy definitely lives in luxury.

I ran my fingers over the cool wood of the desk I circled around it.

Sitting in the desk chair I spotted my backpack leaning on the underside of the desk. Bingo.

I opened it. With all my luck there was nothing.


I knew this was way too simple for me. There's no way they would've left all my stuff in here.

They couldn't have made this easy for me could they?

I started going through the drawers. I finally found my father's wallet and my phone in the last drawer I looked in.

It still had everything in it, other than my father's credit card. Perfect. The one thing that could've been useful is gone.

There's no way I can live off of just cash when I get out of here.

I'll think of a plan later. For now I have to get the hell out of here before he catches me and tortures me or something.

I closed everything back up. I stuffed my backpack with the wallet, my phone, and all the clothes they gave me leaving the bag on the desk.

I left silently.

I peeked my head out the door and saw nobody. Just blackness.

I closed the door quietly and waited for it to lock again and headed down Benji's stairs.

I wondered where he was going and how long before he realizes that he doesn't have his phone.

Maybe he just went to see someone else in the building. Who knows.

I just have to get out of here.

I slipped out of his suite. And down the hallway as quickly as I could.

I hope there's nobody in the elevator when these doors open up.

I hit the elevator door a bunch of times before hearing the ding.

The doors opened up.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)



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