"Hold still" The younger chided, sticking his tongue out slightly as he focused all his attention on the nasty cut. Jungkook rolled his eyes but gave a small smile anyway at Taehyung dotting over him. His concentration and care was adorable, although Jungkook wasn't exactly pleased by the litany of bright yellow dog and cat bandaids on his body. Taehyung, however, had said they were necessary as they were "so bright and happy that Jungkookie would have to feel happy also". 

How could he say no to that? 

"You said the police had a copy of this?" That was Hoseok. The male having finally brought his up from its perch over Namjoon's lap. As his did so, his brown locks flopped down to frame his face and highlight his concerned yet curious eyes. Yoongi cocked one eyebrow in question but otherwise did not move from his position. He was listening, however. 

"Yeah. We turned in all 9 copies personally at the station after they took Ho-sung in. We brought the case to a new recruit as well." A new cop would ensure Ho-Sung's influence had yet to snag him and the group could be sure there would be no unlawful tampering in Taehyung's case, which had been docketed for a hearing in the following weeks. 

Taehyung turned to face the three after he had secured his last puppy bandaid to Jungkook's face and made sure he hadn't missed anything after the ravanette's fight with his father. 

"You should have seen his face as they led him out of Jungkookie's apartment in handcuffs. I wish I could frame it" 

He smiled big as he caught Hoseok's eyes, giggling, and it became clear to the small group them just how proud and happy Taehyung felt. He was getting his first taste of a freedom, something he hadn't felt since before his mother died. Namjoon smiled painfully, eyeing the still lingering bruises and scrapes on Taehyung's small body. He didn't like that Taehyung had purposefully pushed his father to increase his routine beatings, and he certainly didn't like the blonde being ok with putting himself in harms ways, but the elder blond supposed he could live with it if it meant he could smiles like that on Taehyung's face again. 

The four startled when the all silent Yoongi, decided that that was a good time to push himself up from the couch. He strode over to Taehyung, a hard look set in his gaze. The blond stared innocently up at him as he came to stand directly over him. For a long while, neither one said anything. Taehyung had started fidgiting under Yoongi's intense gaze. 

"Hyung?" He spoke curiously "Is everything-" 

Before the small male could finish, he'd been hauled to his feet and pulled directly into Yoongi's arms, the elder male holding him tightly and resting his head on Taehyung's shoulder.  

After a moment's shock, Taehyung allowed himself to relax into Yoongi's hold, bringing his arms up to cling onto Yoongi as well. His embrace was warm and felt like a hug a father might give his son. The thought brought tears to the younger's eyes. It was as if Yoongi could sense Taehyung needed some parental care as well as his sudden change in demeanor as he brought one hand up to drag through Taehyung's locks. 

"You did it TaeTae." 

Taehyung clung harder onto Yoongi. The elder always seemed to know just what the younger needed. 

"I did it?" 

Yoongi pulled back a bit to leave a small kiss on the top of Taehyung's head. By that time, the others had caught on and were standing around the duo as well. Somewhere in Taehyung's mind he became aware of Jungkook's hand resting comfortingly on the back of his neck, Hoseok holding one of his hands, and Namjoon had taken over brushing through his hair. 

"Yeah. You did. I'm so proud of you. I'll make sure he gets what he deserves. We all will." 

Tattoo Boy ||  j.jk + k.th ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt