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{ A/N: NSFW and second hand embarrassment warning! }

Mornings had so many things to hate. Bed hair, bad breath, and worst of all Professor Stein's morning lectures. Students were still half asleep, but never dared to snooze in his class out of fear they may themselves end up on his operating table.

Soul and Maka sat and took in all of Stein's insight. More or less, she paid attention, and he focused his sights on Kid. Soul was practically undressing him with his eyes and it made her blood boil. Tension between the weapon and meister pair had been at new heights ever since the dance, and yesterday was the turning point. Maka was insanely jealous of Kid. She still wanted Soul to hold her hand at lunch and stare at her during class. Some part of her just couldn't seem to get the message, however, that he would never do that.

Kid was across the room with Liz and Patty on either side of him. The girls had pestered him all night about what happened at lunch. Liz was especially nosy about his and Soul's whereabouts. He had barely gotten any sleep at all due to their extensive prying.

Even still, Soul was the only thing he talked about with them. He couldn't get him out of his head, or get that taste out of his mouth. Not that he wanted to anyway. Matter of factly, Kid desired more of Soul. He needed to taste more of the flavors he had on the menu, and he wanted all the great feelings only Soul could bring him.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and texted his boyfriend, who was eye fucking him from afar. Soul was the only person Kid wanted to hear from.

Kid 8:04 AM: Do you think he listens to himself when he talks about dissection?

Soul grabbed his phone as it vibrated from his jacket. He smirked, reading the message. Okay. As much as he had respect for their professor, he definitely had a way of getting worked up about dissections.

Soul 8:04 AM: Nah. He'd get too bored.

Kid 8:05 AM: What do you think he does when he's alone?

Soul 8:06 AM: Cuts himself open and stitches it back up for fun

Kid laughed slightly and smiled while typing back.

Kid 8:06 AM: That still sounds better than listening to him this early in the morning

Soul 8:07 AM: What would you rather be doing?

Kid 8:07 AM: You

Kid watched intently as blush stained Soul's face. That had been the boldest text yet.

Soul 8:08 AM: I could've guessed that

Kid 8:09 AM: You know you want me just as much, if not more than I want you

Soul was beet red and Kid felt proud of himself. He loved messing with the other, even if he didn't seem like the type to do so.

Soul 8:09 AM: You're so confident now. But we both know when I get my hands on you you'll be a moaning mess.

Kid read the message and his face instantly turned ruby red. He was right. The second Soul made a move on him, he was putty in his hands. There was no use trying to argue otherwise.

Kid 8:10 AM: And what exactly would you be?

Soul 8:11 AM: Satisfied

Kid 8:12 AM: Mhm. Sure. So will I when you're laying on the bed and out of breath

Last Dance {Soul x Kid}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang