The Mood

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{ The dance: 15 minutes in }

As darkness fell upon Death City, students began arriving at the academy. Most of them went way over the top with ballroom dresses and tuxedos. Liz and Patty were no exception; they both wore red ball gowns with spaghetti straps and sequins along the waist. And despite their different lengths of hair, they were styled in the same way with loose curls. Liz and Patty both looked like royalty.

After they, and a glum looking Kid, made it up the steps, they all paused and took a breather. It was astonishing to the reaper that they'd made the hike at all, considering the girls' choice of shoes. Under the layers of poof the sisters wore matching red pumps so high they were nearly impossible to balance in.

" How can you even walk in those things?" Kid asked. He was still salty about having to come even if he wasn't showing it right then. If he made it obvious, he just would've ruined the fun for everyone else as well, and that was the last thing that he wanted.

" Easily." Liz lied. Kid rolled his eyes, not believing her for even a second. The three of them stood there and looked out into the city, which was alive with lights and music. Kid wanted to cry, but didn't look it. He wanted to hold Soul's hand in front of everyone and kiss him like no one was watching. And it killed him in knowing he couldn't do so. He felt like such a hopeless romantic and the urge to mope around was becoming even more hard to ignore. Keeping a straight face had never been so hard before.

" Yahoo! The star of the night has arrived!" Shouted a very familiar and energetic voice. Kid and the sisters turned to see none other than BlackStar, and the rest of their friends at the top of the stairs. Tsubaki had her arm locked around her partner's and looked very uncomfortable with all the looks they were receiving. Behind she and BlackStar were Maka and Soul. Of course they had to be holding hands and Kid had to get an eyeful of it.

" BlackStar, please calm down!" Tsubaki pleaded with the assassin but got nowhere. He kept proudly strolling towards the doors, unphased and ready to party like an animal.

Kid could only focus on Maka and Soul, how Soul looked so depressed when his eyes met with his own. He knew it was unfair of him, but he wanted claw their hands apart and drag Soul away. He didn't want to feel that way toward Maka, but it was difficult not to in that moment.

Soul scanned his surroundings and saw Kid standing with Liz and Patty. The two boys stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity to Soul. Kid's golden eyes screamed with envy and melancholy, almost as if he was yelling at him to turn around, leave with him instead. There were tiny, almost invisible tears in Soul's eyes but he blinked them back and kept walking, though nearly every part of him wanted to stop, wanted to drop everything, grab Kid, and run.

The sight of the two walking looked as though it was in slow motion. Kid was laughing to himself ever so slightly, and he pinched the bridge of his nose. Liz shook him to his senses and everything went back to normal.

The group of four walked inside the front entrance and were greeted by the blaring music coming from the auditorium. They continued down the hall and with every step they took, everything seemed to get ten times louder. With every step forward Soul wanted to take ten steps back. He hated himself for not being able to stand up to her.

" Kid? Kid, are you okay?" Liz asked, manually turning him to face her. She sounded very concerned while he stood there in a daze.

" I'm fine."

He wasn't fine. Kid wanted to go home and forget he ever saw that. A single tear slid down his cheek and he hastily wiped it away.

" We should head inside."

Last Dance {Soul x Kid}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora