Month 1

98 2 0

So today is mine and Payton's first like doctors appointment for the babies. I mean it's going fine so far you can't really tell that we are pregnant but throwing up those past weeks hasn't been fun.

•At the doctors•

"Hi we are here for a check up" Payton says to the lady at the front desk.
"Okay I need you to sign in and the doctors will call you up when they are ready." She says with a smile.
"Okay thank you" Payton said.
We sign in and sit in the waiting room.
"Karleigh?" The doctor came out and said my name.
"Yes, that's me." I said and stood up.
"I'm ready for you, follow me" the doctors said so I followed. "So your here for your monthly check up."
"Yup" I said
After the check up
"So everything seems to be just fine, the baby is healthy so far in about 3 more months we will be able to tell you what gender the baby is."
"Okay thank you" I said with a smile and waved bye.
"Ready to go?" I walked out and asked Payton.
"Yup" she said and we went home.
Back at home
"Hey! We're back" I yelled when we enter our "new home"
"Hey! How'd it go?" Alessio asked.
"You can go talk to Joey while I talk to him. Okay?" I asked Payton.
"Okay" she said smiling and walking away.
"Uh everything went just fine.." I said wanting to cry so bad.
"What's wrong then?" He asked.
When he said that everything just came out. I started balling my eyes out.
"I'm scared Alessio, I've never had a kid before and I'm only 17! I'm terrified, what if I can't raise this kid good?! What if I'm a terrible mom, I don't know what I'm doing Alessio I can't eve- I can't do it" I yelled while on my knees with tears running down my face, trying to catch my breath.
"Hey hey hey, your not alone in this you have this whole house with people who are here to help you through this. I'm here with you and I'm not going anywhere. This is my kid to i know we are only 17 and 19 but we are in this together okay?" He said trying to calm me down which it worked. I was able to catch my breath and I stoped crying as much.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
"You're welcome." He said.
-I love you- I mouthed
-I love you too- he mouthed.

A/n: hiiii guysssss!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated, schools been up my ass and so have my teachers and parents so this is the best I can do for now but anyway I love you guys and hope you enjoy!!❤️

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