Am i prego?

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Okay first off I was dying laughing at the tittle but I didn't feel like typing pregnant😂
Karleigh's pov:

•the next morning•
I wake up feeling like shit, I run to the bathroom and threw up.
"ALESSIO!!" I scream.
"What! What happened?! Karleigh are you okay?!!" He says jumping out of bed. "Where are you?!"
"The bathroom" I said.
"What's wrong- oh" he said looking at you.
"Go to the store and buy 5 different pregnancies test.. NOW!" I like scolded him.
"You don't tell me what to do- excuseeee you" he said raising an eyebrow.
"I swear to god Alessio." I stood up and got close to him.
"Okay okay I'll go."

•at the store•
Alessio's pov:
Pregnancy test, pregnancy test.. PREGNANCY TEST.
I found them, so she said 5 different ones. I pick out 5 different test.
Oh no the cashier is a girl.
"I guess you've never bought them before" she said laugh at me.
"Uhh nope, but she told me to get 5 different ones" I said slightly fake laughing.
"Who are they for?"
"Um my girlfriend" I said
"Oh, how old are y'all?"
"Uhm she's 17 and I'm 19" I said freaking out.
"Damn y'all are young, especially her" she said raising one eyebrow.
"U- uh y- yeah..." I said stuttering.
"$15.26" she said
I paid and left.

•back at the house•

"I go to the room and Karleigh's just laying on the bed.
"Hey, I got them" I told her.
"Okay give em" she runs up, snatches them, and runs to the bathroom.

•15 mins later•
Karleigh's pov:
Holy fuck...
I'm so screwed, I'm only fucking 17. But I mean I'll be okay right??
"Hey is everything alright in there?" Alessio said knocking on the door.
"U-uh you can c-come in but, NO NOTHING IS ALRIGHT!!" I said starting to freak out.
"Wh- oh" he said walking in and looking at the sink.
"Yeah oh" I said
"Hey hey listen it's gonna be fine, we can get through this" he said trying to calm me down, honestly it kinda worked.
"Yeah but I'm scared" I said. I am only 17 and I'm pregnant from a 19 year old🤦🏼‍♀️ I'm freaking out.
But I'm sure he's right we can get through this... wait.... what am I gonna tell Payton!?

A/n: sorry haven't updated in a bit been focused on school so😅 yeah anyway hope you like this!!

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