Chapter 5 :

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Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok bolted towards the moving train.

''A cart is open! Let's go there!'' Jimin demanded, picking up his pace and sprinted towards the open cart door.

Jimin managed to hop onto the train and with all his strength, he pulled Jungkook into the cart.

''That was close.'' Jungkook sighed deeply. Jimin nodded in agreement.

''Too close.'' He added.

The two peered outside and instantly spotted Hoseok who was still running.

''HOSEOK! YOU CAN MAKE IT, KEEP RUNNING!'' Jimin screamed words of encouragement, hoping it would make his hyung more determined than ever to survive.

Jungkook took out his hand, his gaze not leaving Hoseok for one second.

Hoseok tried to grab ahold of the maknae's hand when he saw a military shield and a baton laying on the floor.

He decided to take the risk and ran around the seating area to grab the items.

''WATCH OUT!'' Jungkook called out. Hoseok turned around to see Taehyung following him.

Hoseok felt like his heart was shattering as he continued to run. Crying never sounded like a good idea until now.

However, he knew he had to make it out alive and he couldn't let himself get distracted.

Hoseok felt himself tearing up but gathered the courage to raise the baton and slam the zombie right in the face, making Taehyung cry in pain and he crashed to the ground with a thump. 

Hoseok took one last glance at Taehyung before running faster than ever to catch up to the train.

He held out his hand and clasped his hand tightly with Jungkook's.

The aforementioned pulled Hoseok up and practically threw himself onto his exhausted hyung, on the verge of crying.

''Hobi hyung,'' Jungkook mumbled sadly, his head laying on Hoseok's shoulder. Jimin let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding before closing the cart door.

Jimin embraced his shaken up bandmates and hugged them tightly.

''That.. that was hard,'' Hoseok sobbed hard, covering up his face. Jungkook didn't want to bottle up his emotions any longer so he cried along with his hyung too.

''I'm so sorry you had to witness Taehyungie become infected,'' Hoseok breathed out heavily.

''I am too,'' Jimin responded quietly.

'We lost Taehyung so.. who's next?' Jimin thought darkly to himself.

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