Her eyes widened with horror. Willow had blood around her muzzle as the other cats has blood on their paws.

   "W. . .Willow?" She had managed to stammer out. Darky stood still, unable to move.

  "My, my Darky. What a surprise to see you." Willows meow was cold and full of temptation.

   Darky stepped back, bumping into Smokey's cold body. "Wh. . .why. . ." Darkys eyes watered. Her tail twitched and flicked with emotions.

  "He was a stupid tom, not wanting to take power! We have had enough of him." She hissed to Darky, her amber eyes filling with anger. "Kill her." Willow hissed to Jackson and Lynx.

  Darky scrambled out the way before the two cats could pounce on top of her. Darky's vision was soon filled with light brown fur. She felt a warm liquid oozing on her shoulder.

  Her vision was soon cleared as Willow began trying to bite at Darky's neck. Darky felt Jackson and Lynx clawing at her hindlegs , preventing her from kicking Willow off. Darky felt like this was the end and felt like giving up.

  'Don't give up. . .' It seemed like Smokey whispered to her. Darky listened.

  Darky then kicked her hind legs away from the two other cats, unsheathed her claws and dug her claws into Willows belly and raked as hard as she could.

  Willow jumped off of Darky, her belly was oozing blood as much as Darkys legs and shoulder. Willow swiped at Darky, leaving a deep scratch. Darky turned to run, she couldn't fight against the impossible odds. She was barely holding her own.

   "Chase after her!" Willow yowled to the two cats. Instantly, Darky heard the two cats paw steps approaching quickly. She can't out run them!

  Darky couldn't give up now. Smokey's words rang out in Darky's head. She always listened closely to him.

   'Keep running from whatever's chasing you until you find a hiding spot, run a bit farther, then take a sharp turn back to the hiding spot.' Smokey's words gave her strength as she searched for a hiding spot.

  The two cats were only a fox tails away. She found one near a camp full of cats, she didn't want to hide there but that was her only choice. She ran a bit farther than the hiding spot with the cats still following her.

  After a few tree lengths away, and with the cats just two mouse tails behind her, she made a sharp turn. That caused the cats to continue running forward for a second, which gave her a head start and more time to run to the hiding spot.

  The cats then took a turn in her direction and tried to catch up with her. She was close to the hiding spot, her black pelt helped her in the dark. Her white fur was hidden by the deep red blood. She slipped into the hiding spot. It was a tight fit and she had to force her hindleg inside.

   She watched as the cats ran past her hiding spot. As soon as they were a tree length away she squeezed out of the hiding spot and ran to the camp full of cats. They stared in fear at the black and red apprentice.

  The nearly collapsed onto the camps floor, barely remaining conscious at this point. She whimpered quietly as a huge tom ran away. His blue eyes reminded her of Smokey.

  She noticed two toms run out two dens. One had a star on his forehead, with a white pelt, ginger paws, ear and tip of his tail. The other cat was gray with small stripes on his pelt. While other cats gather around but not too close.

  "Move out my way you mouse brained cats!" The gray tom hissed. While the white and ginger tom followed with a smell of fear and worry. The gray tom sniffed Darky and looked at her wounds very quickly.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now