Q&A! + Some Fun Facts

Start from the beginning

7. If they are real, who would they be in real life? Example of celebrities in mind?

Hmm. Tbh, I had no one in mind when creating these characters. I also can't think of any celebrities who would play these characters as I'd never really thought about it.

 I also can't think of any celebrities who would play these characters as I'd never really thought about it

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Now, on to the fun facts!

Ten Fun Facts


1. Kael (spelt Kale) was supposed to be a foster child in Valentia, Ireland who gets transported into the magical world during a scuffle with his foster family's son, Roderick (who became Roder in this book). Kael's whole family (Lana, Hont, Kly, etc.) were never meant to exist in the original, but Roder, Rita, Tyra, Nox, Darron, Maya, and Lux were meant to play a large part in Kael's journey to go back to his home in the real world. Fascinating how much this story has changed! XD

2. Tyra's name was supposed to be Sylvia, and she was supposed to be half-sylph-half-elf. Yup. Elves were originally supposed to be a part of this world, but after two years of sitting on it, I just got tired of the idea (plus it made things too complicated when coming up with countries), so I just scrapped it.

3. There were only eight elements: fire, water, earth, air, lightning, ice, dark, and light.


4. If you can recall in Chapter 17 (Gifts of Welcome), Fadhia named her notebook after an ancient goddess. This is not her being quirky (well, maybe it kind of is), but the reason she does this is because it's not uncommon for people in her culture to name certain items to show how attached they are to it. Though, it is strictly forbidden for them to name items after gods they worship.

5. I'm not sure how many of you have noticed (or if you did, you didn't think much of it), but Garun does not have a second name/surname. Well, he kinda does and doesn't. There's a complicated naming system in Orachea. Basically, the first syllable of the name is what would be the equivalent to a surname (the Ga in Garun). The second, and in some cases third, syllable is added onto the family name. They are never called by just the second+ syllables. 

It's sort of a way for them to know which family (or in ancient times, clan) they're from just by their names. This means that other people with names starting with Ga aren't necessarily Garun's direct family but is more likely to be a descendant of the same clan. Not sure if this fun fact would ever appear in the story, so I thought I'd just share it now. :)

6. Twarlan bears are technically genderless. Kind of like how Toad and Toadette from the Super Mario series don't really have set genders, only gendered appearances. The reason for this is...a bit weird. It has something to do with how they're created/reproduced, but I won't get into it here. And yeah, there are Twarlan bears that have female appearances.

I honestly have no idea how I came up with this, but it may have been a side effect of learning reproduction processes in my biology class lol. If anyone's interested in learning the process, I might release the info in another compilation of facts (if there's enough interest). And, it's not smutty, so don't worry about it getting sexual in the traditional sense XD. >_<

7. Their biology is also part of the reason Twarlan bears can't use elemental magic. They are unable to cultivate enough uthra in their bodies to release and create an element. With the amount of uthra they have, after using a weapon vessel with an element one time, they will die from having no more uthra left.

8. Bijou (the country Kael is from) was originally called Gemma, and that was where Saphir Casters Academy (originally Draekon Academy) was located. And yeah, dragons were supposed to be the symbol of the academy, but I changed it because I changed the lore. (Dragons were more significant in the original academy).

9. When Kly's character was first created, he was supposed to be a massive playboy who was the type to date and ditch girls every other week. Yeah. I have no idea why. One of his fights with a girl who thought they were in a relationship and thus thought he was cheating on her was supposed to be a scene that showed Kael that his brother isn't as perfect as he thought. It could have worked, and it's one of the scenes that hurt to scrap, but when writing this book, I saw Kly's character to be the type to stress and obsess over finding his father more than playing around with girls.

10. People are still researching uthra and the laws of magic, so some info you and all the characters know might be wrong/incomplete. Just thought it'd be cool to share the scientific side of things, since I'm a huge sucker for physics. ;)

And that marks the end

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And that marks the end. I hope it was all interesting to you. I just love adding more and more things to this world, so worldbuilding was a real joy for me. It's unfortunate because quite a bit won't even be necessary for the story, but I just can't help but continue to add in minute details that create the world.

Anyway, there will be one more planned chapter coming out next week. It'll include a few graphics, so watch out for that!

See you then and thanks for reading! <3

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