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as much as you didn't want to get up, you were forced to, feeling someone wrap their arms around you. letting out a sleepy groan, you tried to pull but the grip only tightened.

"calum," you sighed, finally opening your eyes and seeing a very smiley boyfriend. "please i'm trying to sleep."

"but its your birthday." he said happily, pressing a kiss to your temple. he began to hum the song making you giggle, snuggling into the boy.

"yeah and as my present, i'd like some well deserved rest." you mumbled, shutting your eyes again while you heard the boy sigh. luckily, you were able to sleep for maybe a good twenty minutes till calum began to bug you again with kisses.

"what now?" you laughed, looking at him.

"let's go get breakfast. i'd make you some but i'd fuck up making the waffles." he chuckled, brushing the some of your hair out of your face. looking up at him, you just nod, kissing the tip of his nose before climbing out of bed. throwing on one of calum's shirts and some leggings, the two of you went to a near by cafe the two of you often went to when you wanted to get brunch.

once sat down, calum smiled across from you at the table. "have i told you how cute you look?" he asked, picking up the menu and quickly flipping through it.

"many times."

"good." he smiled bigger, reaching over to hold your hand across the table. waiting for the waitress, you outlined the tattoo that rested between his thumb and index with your finger, calum watching you do so.

"what do you wanna do today, babe?" he asked, bringing your attention now to him.

you shrugged. "i dunno. nothing?" honestly, you didn't really make a big deal about your birthday. normally, you just hung out with a couple friends or family, had some cake and called it a day.

"c'mon, anything? we can literally do anything at all you want." he frowned, but the conversation was cut short when the waitress finally came. after ordering however, calum looked at you, giving you a look.

"think baby." he said before going on his phone, checking a text message he got. while he did that, you rested your cheek into your hand, thinking of what you wanted to do. of course nothing came to mind.

"calum," you groaned. "i dont know."

"yes you do. you just dont know what it is."

"fine," you pouted, looking around, or outside the window. out on the street, there was a bus passing by. on it, there was an ad for disneyland so you turned back and looked at calum. "let's goto disneyland."

"okay, bet." he winked, going back on his phone. you bit down on your lip to hold back your smile. it's been years since youve gone to disneyland and you're pretty sure calum has never even been to the place at all. you watched him pull out his wallet and was using his credit card before he turned to show you he just purchased tickets.

"thank you." you smiled, reaching over and squeezing his hand.

"anything for you, love." calum smiled, reaching and kissing your hand.

after breakfast, the two you drove to disneyland, jamming out to music while fighting LA traffic till you finally arrived. when you entered, calum looked around before back at you.

"i've never been here." he chuckled. "what should we do?"

"well, my favorite ride is small world. everyone hates it that i know, but i think it's really cute." you shrugged.

"then let's go." he smiled, taking your hand in his. the two of you walked down main street, but before continuing to small world, the two of you went to one of the stores, you buying sparkly ears and calum buying a hat with ears on it. after a little walk, you made it to the line for small world, luckily it wasn't too long. while in line, calum pulled out his phone and held it up.

"smile baby." he chuckled. posing in front of the ride, you smiled for him while he snapped a few pics before moving with the line. eventually you got on one of the little boats, the two of you having an aisle all for yourself.

you and calum snuggled up next to each other as you entered the little tunnel that took you inside, the iconic small world beginning to play. the whole time going through each room you were humming the song and eventually calum was too once he realized they were just saying the same words the whole time. at one point you saw the australian area.

"look cal! they have one for you guys." you giggled, pointing to the dolls with kangroos. he chuckled, nodding before turning to you pressing a kiss to your forehead. the rest of the ride, the two of you just took it all in until it came the end.

"did you enjoy it?" you asked as the two of you exited the ride.

"it was okay." he shrugged making you pout as you gently shoved him. after that the two of you went on autopia, you letting calum drive for the two of you while you took photos and video of him.

"theres little kids driving better than you!" you laughed as he was struggling to get the car to start up again because for some reason, it just stopped driving in the middle of no where.

"shut up! you're making me more nervous than i already am!" he laughed too, pushing on the gas again before it started driving again. by the end of it, the two of you were crying from laughing so hard.

throughout the day, you went other rides the entire day till the firework show was going to come on. and to make sure you got good seats, the two of you sat at one of the benches, saving the spot till the show started. since it was chilly, the two of you huddled together to stay warm.

"thank you for today." you said softly, looking up at calum. "this is probably the best birthday i've had in a while."

"where does this rank on top birthdays?" he smiled, gently biting his lip.

"number one. you took me to fucking disneyland. aka, the happiest place on earth." you giggled.

"hell yeah." he nodded smiling big before you leaned in and kissed him. calum pecked your lips in return before hugging you. it was certainly day you won't forget.

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