"Little thief?" I stopped walking and turned around to look at him. He scratched the back of his neck and coughed nervously before saying anything. "When will we start our project?" He questioned but he had a straight face on so I don't think he is that excited about this. I just sighed while playing with my keychain that was attached to my backpack.

"Tomorrow at the coffee shop?" I said while still playing with the keychain and looking down at my shoes. ''Fine by me, but just so you know, my eyes are up here.'' He said while pointing at his eyes as I rolled my eyes. He turned the other way around and left me alone with my thoughts.

After I realized how stupid I must of looked, sitting there, alone, on the hallway, with my mouth opened, I walked away, to the bus station. It wasn't that crowded today so I got home pretty fast.

As I entered the house, my phone started ringing and I just sighed because I had to put my backpack down and get my coat off. It's getting pretty cold so I had to bring one to school with me. After I was sure that my phone wouldn't fall I answered the call.

"Yes?" I said while taking my shoes off focusing on getting to my room so that I could start studying.

"Are you dressed?" I heard Skylar screaming over the loud music. She's obviously at a party but why would she ask me if I'm dressed- Oh no.

As soon as it hit me I started getting nervous so I did the only reasonable thing that everyone does when they don't want to go somewhere. I lied.

"I'm a little sick right now Sky." I said while faking a cough and she just started laughing. It was silent for a while but after a few seconds she responded.

"Em, I invented fake sickness, you can't fool me; I'm not my parents. The second time you think about lying try being less nervous because I literally saw right through it. I'm coming in 20 minutes and you better be ready by then cause ready or not I'm going to drag you here by your legs even if you're in your pajamas "I heard her say and then she hung up.

I rushed out of my bed and opened my closet. Not a lot of options cause I don't have a lot of dresses. I like oversized hoodies and t-shirts. I  don't exactly like dresses that much. I chose what I wanted to wear and ran to the bathroom to get changed as fast as I could. A lot of people just change into their rooms but I haven't done that since my dad entered my room without knocking while I was changing and I don't exactly have a lock on my bedroom door. Why are parents always entering their kid's room without knocking?

I've put my outfit on and looked in the mirror and I guess it looks okay. I put the front parts of my hair up so I have the half up half down hairstyle. I ran downstairs when I heard the doorbell ring. I opened the door and saw Skylar with a short black dress and a pair of high heels that made her look very tall. She took a look at my outfit, shrugged and then took my hand and dragged me to her car. As we were going I saw Adam outside his house, sitting on the stairs of his front porch.


We arrived at her house after a few minutes of driving and hearing Skylar yell at a lot of people because she wanted to get to the party faster cause since it was at her place she didn't wanted people braking stuff or stealing things. She got out of the car and slammed the door behind her as people from everywhere started greeting her. I just stood behind her as she got inside. I touched her shoulder so that I could get her attention and she turned to me with a big smile on her face.

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