How to recognise a quality meme - a cheap guide

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Here's a cheap meme guide, I'm too lazy to do better rn

- infinite variety -> infinite potential for jokes -> never gets boring

- has ability to catch you off-guard 

- either makes you think, scream or relate

- bonus points for black humour, edge and outraging or confusing normies

- not obnoxious

Example tier list below is built based on how well the above criteria are fulfilled on average, judged as objectively as I can while putting in close to no effort.

A bad meme used at the right time can achieve unexpectedly good results, a good meme used when you would expect it may be satisfying but it isn't surprising or creative.

Your personality influences how you perceive a meme. What is relatable to most may not be relatable to you, what catches others off-guard might not catch you off-guard etc.

God tier: cats (anything a cat touches is turning holy - Exception: the Cats musical. It was made by and for furries.  Furry =/= cat. Sorry furries)

SS tier: humanity - be honest, we're such a joke

S tier: roasting whatever is worth roasting, cursed memes, Tier lists, one-will-protect-you-the-others-will-attack-you (simply fulfill most of the criteria by default unless done with low skill); 4chan legends (it is said they increasingly turn into degenerates nowadays, which is sad)

A tier: everyone else: meme (catches you off-guard by edge); Islam is right about women, sciencey memes (when you get it); broken tutorials

B tier:  Memeulous (nobody actually knows why he is funny, but this is why it works); face memes; Tai Lopez (PhD in cheapness, but that's all he's got) 

C tier (hm): surprised Pikachu face, doge memes (cute but basic); Illuminati (can catch you off-guard, but has rather low expression variability); Splatoon memes (skating on the cheapness)

D tier (i sleep) : FBI OPEN UP (after the first couple times, you can see it coming from miles away most of the time), E; whatever Logan Paul is up to 

F tier (brain death): Jojo's memes (Oraoraora gets old real quik), Johnny Johnny memes, 99% of anything originating from Instagram

But really, in the end of the day, whatever sticks in your mind works.

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